Good vs. Satisfactory

By Jaxson

Main Difference

The main difference between Good and Satisfactory is that the Good is a term in religion, ethics, and philosophy and Satisfactory is a early access video game

  • Good

    In its most general context, the concept of good denotes that conduct which is to be or should be preferred when posed with a choice between a set of possible actions. Good is generally considered to be the opposite of evil. The concept is of interest in the study of morality, ethics, religion and philosophy, and the specific meaning and etiology of the term and its associated translations among ancient and contemporary languages has varied substantially in its inflected meaning depending on circumstances of place, history, religious context, or philosophical context.

  • Satisfactory

    Satisfactory is a simulation game created by Coffee Stain Studios. It is a 3D first-person open world exploration and factory building game. As an engineer, the player is dropped onto an alien planet with a handful of tools and must harvest the planet’s natural resources to construct increasingly complex factories for automating all resource needs. The initial goal is to build the Space Elevator and begin supplying the company the player works for (Ficsit) with increasingly numerous and complex components for their unknown purposes.

    The factory-building aspect of Satisfactory has been described as a first-person version of Factorio. Unlike most other sandbox games like Factorio, the Satisfactory world is pre-generated, i.e. every player’s map is identical at the start. The world is 30 km2.

  • Good (adjective)

    Very, extremely.

    “The soup is good and hot.”

  • Good (adjective)

    Holy especially when capitalized .

    “Good Friday”

  • Good (interjection)

    That is good; an elliptical exclamation of satisfaction or commendation.

    “Good! I can leave now.”

  • Good (adverb)

    Well; satisfactorily or thoroughly.

  • Good (noun)

    The forces or behaviours that are the enemy of evil. Usually consists of helping others and general benevolence.

  • Good (noun)

    A result that is positive in the view of the speaker.

  • Good (noun)

    The abstract instantiation of goodness; that which possesses desirable qualities, promotes success, welfare, or happiness, is serviceable, fit, excellent, kind, benevolent, etc.

    “The best is the enemy of the good.”

  • Good (noun)

    An item of merchandise.

  • Good (verb)

    To thrive; fatten; prosper; improve.

  • Good (verb)

    To make good; turn to good; improve.

  • Good (verb)

    To make improvements or repairs.

  • Good (verb)

    To benefit; gain.

  • Good (verb)

    To do good to (someone); benefit; cause to improve or gain.

  • Good (verb)

    To satisfy; indulge; gratify.

  • Good (verb)

    To flatter; congratulate oneself; anticipate.

  • Good (verb)

    To furnish with dung; manure; fatten with manure; fertilise.

  • Satisfactory (adjective)

    Done to satisfaction; adequate or sufficient.

    “The satisfactory results of the survey led to his promotion.”

  • Satisfactory (adjective)

    Causing satisfaction; agreeable or pleasant.

  • Satisfactory (adjective)

    Making atonement for a sin; expiatory.

  • Good (adjective)

    to be desired or approved of

    “Good! The more people the better!”

    “a good quality of life”

    “it’s good that he’s back to his old self”

  • Good (adjective)

    pleasing and welcome

    “we’ve had some good news”

    “it’s good to see you again”

  • Good (adjective)

    showing approval

    “the play had good reviews”

  • Good (adjective)

    having the required qualities; of a high standard

    “his marks are just not good enough”

    “a good restaurant”

  • Good (adjective)

    skilled at doing or dealing with a specified thing

    “I’m good at crosswords”

    “he was good with children”

  • Good (adjective)

    healthy, strong, or well

    “she’s not feeling too good”

  • Good (adjective)

    useful, advantageous, or beneficial in effect

    “too much sun is not good for you”

  • Good (adjective)

    appropriate to a particular purpose

    “this is a good month for planting seeds”

  • Good (adjective)

    (of language) with correct grammar and pronunciation

    “she speaks good English”

  • Good (adjective)

    strictly adhering to or fulfilling all the principles of a particular religion or cause

    “I am the eldest of five in a good Catholic family”

  • Good (adjective)

    possessing or displaying moral virtue

    “her father was a good man”

  • Good (adjective)

    showing kindness

    “it was good of you to come”

  • Good (adjective)

    obedient to rules or conventions

    “accustom the child to being rewarded for good behaviour”

  • Good (adjective)

    used to address or refer to people in a courteous, patronizing, or ironic way

    “a man very like your good self, in fact”

    “the good lady of the house”

  • Good (adjective)

    commanding respect

    “he was concerned with establishing and maintaining his good name”

  • Good (adjective)

    belonging or relating to a high social class

    “he comes from a good family”

  • Good (adjective)

    giving pleasure; enjoyable or satisfying

    “the streets fill up with people looking for a good time”

  • Good (adjective)

    pleasant to look at; attractive

    “you’re looking pretty good”

  • Good (adjective)

    (of clothes) smart and suitable for formal wear

    “he went upstairs to change out of his good suit”

  • Good (adjective)


    “now is the time to have a really good clear-up”

    “have a good look around”

  • Good (adjective)

    used to emphasize that a number is at least as great as one claims

    “they’re a good twenty years younger”

  • Good (adjective)

    used to emphasize a following adjective or adverb

    “it’ll be good and dark by then”

    “we had a good long hug”

  • Good (adjective)

    fairly large in number, amount, or size

    “there’s a good chance that we may be able to help”

    “the match attracted a good crowd”

  • Good (adjective)


    “the ticket is good for travel from May to September”

  • Good (adjective)

    likely to provide

    “she’s always good for a laugh”

  • Good (adjective)

    sufficient to pay for

    “his money was good for a bottle of whisky”

  • Good (adjective)

    used in conjunction with the name of God or a related expression as an exclamation of extreme surprise or anger

    “good heavens!”

  • Good (noun)

    that which is morally right; righteousness

    “a mysterious balance of good and evil”

  • Good (noun)

    benefit or advantage to someone or something

    “he is too clever for his own good”

    “he convinces his father to use his genius for the good of mankind”

    “the preservation of old buildings matters because they contribute to the general public good”

  • Good (noun)

    merchandise or possessions

    “imports of luxury goods”

    “the market price of an agricultural good”

    “stolen goods”

  • Good (noun)

    things to be transported, as distinct from passengers

    “a means of transporting passengers as well as goods”

    “a goods train”

  • Good (noun)

    the genuine article.

  • Good (adverb)


    “I’m feeling pretty good, all things considered”

    “my mother could never cook this good”

Oxford Dictionary

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