Gangway vs. Brow

By Jaxson

  • Gangway (noun)

    A passageway through which to enter or leave, such as one between seating areas in an auditorium, or between two buildings.

  • Gangway (noun)

    An articulating bridge or ramp, such as from land to a dock or a ship.

  • Gangway (noun)

    A temporary passageway, such as one made of planks.

  • Gangway (noun)

    A clear path through a crowd or a passageway with people.

  • Gangway (noun)

    An aisle.

  • Gangway (noun)

    A passage along either side of a ship’s upper deck.

  • Gangway (noun)

    A passage through the side of a ship or an opening in the railing through which the ship may be boarded.

  • Gangway (noun)

    An earthen and plank ramp leading from the stable yard into the upper storey or mow of a dairy barn.

  • Gangway (noun)

    The narrow space between two buildings or houses, used to access the backyard/alleyway from the front.

  • Gangway (noun)

    A passageway through a passenger car

  • Gangway (verb)

    To serve as, furnish with, or conduct oneself as though proceeding on a gangway.

  • Gangway (interjection)

    Make way! Clear a path!

  • Brow (noun)

    The ridge over the eyes; the eyebrow.

  • Brow (noun)

    The first tine of an antler’s beam.

  • Brow (noun)

    The forehead.

  • Brow (noun)

    The projecting upper edge of a steep place such as a hill.

    “the brow of a precipice”

  • Brow (noun)

    A gallery in a coal mine running across the face of the coal.

  • Brow (noun)

    Aspect; appearance.

  • Brow (noun)

    The lying alongside a quay.

  • Brow (noun)

    The hinged part of a landing craft or ferry which is lowered to form a landing platform; a ramp.

  • Brow (verb)

    To bound or limit; to be at, or form, the edge of.

  • Gangway (noun)

    a raised platform or walkway providing a passage.

  • Gangway (noun)

    a movable bridge linking a ship to the shore.

  • Gangway (noun)

    an opening in the bulwarks by which a ship is entered or left.

  • Gangway (noun)

    a passage between rows of seats, especially in a theatre or aircraft.

  • Gangway (interjection)

    make way!

  • Brow (noun)

    a person’s forehead

    “he wiped his brow”

  • Brow (noun)

    an eyebrow

    “his brows lifted in surprise”

  • Brow (noun)

    the summit of a hill or pass

    “the cottages were built on the brow of a hill”

  • Brow (noun)

    a gangway from a ship to the shore.

  • Brow (noun)

    a hinged part of a ferry or landing craft forming a landing platform.

Oxford Dictionary

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