In Technology: A wallpaper or background is a digital image used as a decorative background of a graphical user interface on the screen of a computer, mobile communications device or other electronic device
The circumstances or situation prevailing at a particular time or underlying a particular event. i.e.
“the political and economic background”
Foreground (noun)
The elements of an image which lie closest to the picture plane.
Foreground (noun)
The subject of an image, often depicted at the bottom in a two-dimensional work.
Foreground (noun)
the application the user is currently interacting with; the application window that appears in front of all others.
Foreground (verb)
To place in the foreground (physically or metaphorically)
Background (adjective)
Less important in a scene.
“background noise.”
Background (noun)
One’s social heritage, or previous life; what one did in the past.
“The lawyer had a background in computer science.”
Background (noun)
A part of the picture that depicts scenery to the rear or behind the main subject; context.
Background (noun)
Information relevant to the current situation about past events; history.
Background (noun)
A less important feature of scenery (as opposed to foreground).
“There was tons of noise in the background.”
“The photographer let us pick a background for the portrait.”
Background (noun)
The image or color over which a computer’s desktop items are shown (e.g. icons or application windows).
Background (noun)
A type of activity on a computer that is not normally visible to the user.
“The antivirus program is running in the background.”
Background (verb)
To put in a position that is not prominent.
Background (verb)
To gather and provide background information (on).
Background (noun)
the part of a picture, scene, or design that forms a setting for the main figures or objects, or appears furthest from the viewer
“the word is written in white on a red background”
“the house stands against a background of sheltering trees”
Background (noun)
a less important or conspicuous position or function
“after that evening, she remained in the background”
Background (noun)
used in reference to tasks or processes that do not need input from the user
“programs can be left running in the background”
Background (noun)
low-intensity radiation from radioisotopes present in the natural environment.
Background (noun)
unwanted signals, such as noise in the reception or recording of sound.
Background (noun)
the circumstances or situation prevailing at a particular time or underlying a particular event
“the political and economic background”
“background information”
Background (noun)
a person’s education, experience, and social circumstances
“she has a background in nursing”
“her voice suggested a tenacious, working-class background”
Background (verb)
form a background to
“windswept land backgrounded by the Rockies”
Background (verb)
provide with background
“the embassy backgrounded American reporters”