Flotation (noun)
A state of floating, or being afloat.
Flotation (noun)
The ability (as of a tire or snowshoes) to stay on the surface of soft ground or snow.
Flotation (noun)
A process of separating minerals by agitating a mixture with water and detergents etc; selected substances being carried to the surface in air bubbles.
Flotation (noun)
The launching onto the market of a tranch of stocks or shares, usually a new issue.
Floatation (noun)
alternative spelling of flotation
Flotation (noun)
the action of floating in a liquid or gas
“the body form is modified to assist in flotation”
Flotation (noun)
the separation of small particles of a solid by their different capacities to float.
Flotation (noun)
the capacity to float; buoyancy.
Flotation (noun)
the process of offering a company’s shares for sale on the stock market for the first time.