Flora vs. Fauna

By Jaxson

Main Difference

The main difference between Flora and Fauna is that the Flora is a inventory of plant species in a given region and Fauna is a set of animal species in any particular region and time.

  • Flora

    Flora is the plant life occurring in a particular region or time, generally the naturally occurring or indigenous—native plant life. The corresponding term for animal life is fauna. Flora, fauna and other forms of life such as fungi are collectively referred to as biota. Sometimes bacteria and fungi are also referred to as flora, as in the terms gut flora or skin flora.

  • Fauna

    Fauna is all of the animal life of any particular region or time. The corresponding term for plants is flora. Flora, fauna and other forms of life such as fungi are collectively referred to as biota. Zoologists and paleontologists use fauna to refer to a typical collection of animals found in a specific time or place, e.g. the “Sonoran Desert fauna” or the “Burgess Shale fauna”. Paleontologists sometimes refer to a sequence of faunal stages, which is a series of rocks all containing similar fossils. The study of animals of a particular region is called faunistics.

  • Flora (noun)

    Plants considered as a group, especially those of a particular country, region, time, etc.

  • Flora (noun)

    A book describing the plants of a country, region, time, etc.

  • Flora (noun)

    The microorganisms that inhabit some part of the body, such as intestinal flora

  • Fauna (noun)

    Animals considered as a group; especially those of a particular country, region, time. from late 18th c.

    “the fauna of China”

  • Fauna (noun)

    A book, cataloguing the animals of a country.


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