Flexible (adjective)
Capable of being flexed or bent without breaking; able to be turned or twisted without breaking.
“When the splitting wind Makes flexible the knees of knotted oaks. -William Shakespeare”
Flexible (adjective)
Willing or prone to give way to the influence of others; not invincibly rigid or obstinate.
“Phocion was a man of great severity, and no ways flexible to the will of the people. – Francis Bacon.”
“Women are soft, mild, pitiful, and flexible. – William Shakespeare”
Flexible (adjective)
Capable or being adapted or molded in some way.
“a flexible language”
“This was a principle more flexible to their purpose. -Rogers.”
Flexible (noun)
Something that is flexible.
Pliable (adjective)
Soft, flexible, easily bent, formed, shaped, or molded.
“You will find the clay perfectly pliable as long as it stays moist.”
Pliable (adjective)
Easily persuaded; yielding to influence.
Flexible (adjective)
capable of bending easily without breaking
“flexible rubber seals”
Flexible (adjective)
able to be easily modified to respond to altered circumstances
“small businesses which are dependent on flexible working hours”
Flexible (adjective)
(of a person) ready and able to change so as to adapt to different circumstances
“you can save money if you’re flexible about where your room is located”