Filling (adjective)
Of food, that satisfies the appetite by filling the stomach
“a filling meal”
Filling (noun)
Anything that is used to fill something.
Filling (noun)
The contents of a pie, etc.
Filling (noun)
Any material used to fill a cavity in a tooth or the result of using such material.
“I will be using a rapid-setting cement filling.”
“My temporary filling fell out and got lost.”
Filling (noun)
The woof in woven fabrics.
Filling (noun)
Prepared wort added to ale to cleanse it.
Filling (noun)
A religious experience attributed to the Holy Ghost “filling” a believer. since late 19th or early 20th c.
“enduement|second baptism”
Filling (verb)
present participle of fill
Filing (noun)
Any particle that has been removed by a file or similar implement; a shaving.
“The process left metal filings all over the bench and the part.”
Filing (noun)
The act of storing documents in an archive; archiving.
Filing (noun)
Something that has been officially filed; a document on file.
Filing (verb)
present participle of file
Filling (noun)
a quantity of soft material that fills or is used to fill something
“duvets with synthetic fillings”
Filling (noun)
a piece of metal or other material used to fill a cavity in a tooth
“a gold filling”
Filling (noun)
an edible substance placed between the layers of a sandwich, cake, or other foodstuff
“a Swiss roll with a chocolate filling”
Filling (noun)
another term for weft
Filling (adjective)
(of food) leaving one with a pleasantly satiated feeling
“the full English breakfast was delicious and also very filling”
Filing (noun)
a small particle rubbed off by a file when smoothing or shaping something
“iron filings”