Expire was an American hardcore punk band from Milwaukee, Wisconsin active from 2009 to 2017. They were signed to Bridge 9 Records.
Expire (verb)
To die.
“The patient expired in hospital.”
Expire (verb)
To lapse and become invalid.
“My library card will expire next week.”
Expire (verb)
To exhale; to breathe out.
Expire (verb)
To give forth insensibly or gently, as a fluid or vapour; to emit in minute particles.
Expire (verb)
To bring to a close; to terminate.
Die (verb)
To living; to become dead; to undergo death.
Die (verb)
followed by of; general use:
Die (verb)
followed by from; general use, though somewhat more common in the context of medicineSciences:}}
Die (verb)
followed by for; often expressing wider contextual motivations, though sometimes indicating direct causes:
Die (verb)
followed by with as an indication of direct cause:
Die (verb)
To living and undergo (a specified death).
“He died a hero’s death.”
“They died a thousand deaths.”
Die (verb)
To yearn intensely.
Die (verb)
To be utterly cut off by family or friends, as if dead.
“The day our sister eloped, she died to our mother.”
Die (verb)
To become spiritually dead; to lose hope.
“He died a little inside each time she refused to speak to him.”
Die (verb)
To be mortified or shocked by a situation.
“If anyone sees me wearing this ridiculous outfit, I’ll die.”
Die (verb)
To be so overcome with emotion or laughter as to be incapacitated.
“When I found out my two favorite musicians would be recording an album together, I literally planned my own funeral arrangements and died.”
Die (verb)
To stop working, to break down.
“My car died in the middle of the freeway this morning.”
Die (verb)
To abort, to terminate (as an error condition).
Die (verb)
To perish; to cease to exist; to become lost or extinct.
Die (verb)
To sink; to faint; to pine; to languish, with weakness, discouragement, love, etc.
Die (verb)
To become indifferent; to cease to be subject.
“to die to pleasure or to sin”
Die (verb)
To be killed by an enemy. Usually followed by to or another preposition.
“I can’t believe I just died to a squirrel!”
Die (verb)
To disappear gradually in another surface, as where mouldings are lost in a sloped or curved face.
Die (verb)
To become vapid, flat, or spiritless, as liquor.
Die (verb)
To fail to evoke laughter from the audience.
“Then there was that time I died onstage in Montreal…”
Die (verb)
obsolete spelling of dye
Die (noun)
The cubical part of a pedestal, a plinth.
Die (noun)
A specified shape.
Die (noun)
A device used to cut an external screw thread. (Internal screw threads are cut with a tap.)
Die (noun)
A mold for forming metal or plastic objects.
Die (noun)
An embossed device used in stamping coins and medals.
Die (noun)
(plural also dice) An oblong chip fractured from a semiconductor wafer engineered to perform as an independent device or integrated circuit.
Die (noun)
Any small cubical or square body.
Die (noun)
A regular games of chance.
Die (noun)
That which is, or might be, determined, by a throw of the die; hazard; chance.
Die (noun)
(plural also dies) An oblong chip fractured from a semiconductor wafer engineered to perform as an independent device or integrated circuit.
Die (noun)
obsolete spelling of dye
Die (verb)
(of a person, animal, or plant) stop living
“the king died a violent death”
“he died of tuberculosis”
“trees are dying from acid rain”
Die (verb)
become extinct
“many species died out”
Die (verb)
be forgotten
“her genius has assured her name will never die”
Die (verb)
become less loud or strong
“after a while, the noise died down”
“at last the storm died away”
Die (verb)
(of a plant) decay from the tip toward the root
“rhubarb dies back to a crown of buds each winter”
Die (verb)
die one after another until few or none are left
“the original founders died off or retired”
Die (verb)
(of a fire or light) stop burning or gleaming
“the fire had died and the room was cold”
Die (verb)
(of a machine) stop functioning or run out of electric charge
“three toasters have died on me”
“I was halfway through a text message when the phone died”
Die (verb)
be very eager for something
“they must be dying for a drink”
“he’s dying to meet you”
Die (verb)
used to emphasize how strongly one is affected by a particular feeling or emotion
“we nearly died laughing when he told us”
“only the thought of Matilda prevented him from dying of boredom”
Die (verb)
have an orgasm.
Die (noun)
singular form of dice
Die (noun)
a device for cutting or moulding metal into a particular shape.
Die (noun)
an engraved device for stamping a design on coins or medals.
Die (noun)
the cubical part of a pedestal between the base and the cornice; a dado or plinth.