Dusty (adjective)
Covered with dust.
Dusty (adjective)
Powdery and resembling dust.
Dusty (adjective)
Grey in parts.
Dusty (adjective)
Ugly, disgusting a general term of abuse
Rusty (adjective)
Marked or corroded by rust. from 9th c.
Rusty (adjective)
Of the rust color, reddish or reddish-brown. from 14th c.
Rusty (adjective)
Lacking recent experience, out of practice, especially with respect to a skill or activity. from 16th c.
Rusty (adjective)
Of clothing, especially dark clothing: worn, shabby. from 17th c.
Rusty (adjective)
Affected with the fungal plant disease called rust.
Rusty (adjective)
Discolored and rancid; reasty. from 16th c.
“rusty bacon”