A duet is a musical composition for two performers in which the performers have equal importance to the piece, often a composition involving two singers or two pianists. It differs from a harmony, as the performers take turns performing a solo section rather than performing simultaneously. A piece performed by two pianists performing together on the same piano is a “piano duet” or “piano four hands”. A piece for two pianists performing together on separate pianos is a “piano duo”.
“Duet” is also used as a verb for the act of performing a musical duet, or colloquially as a noun to refer to the performers of a duet.
A musical ensemble with more than two solo instruments or voices is called trio, quartet, quintet, sextet, septet, octet, etc.
Duet (noun)
A musical composition in two parts, each performed by a single voice (singer, instrument or univoce ensemble).
Duet (noun)
A song composed for and/or performed by a duo.
Duet (noun)
A pair or couple, especially one that is harmonious or elegant.
Duet (verb)
To perform a duet.
Duet (verb)
To communicate (warnings, mating calls, etc.) through song.
Duet (verb)
To perform (sing, play, etc.) as a duet.
Duet (verb)
(of two people) To say at the same time, to chorus.
Duo (noun)
Two people who work or collaborate together as partners; especially, those who perform music together.
Duo (noun)
Any pair of two people.
Duo (noun)
Any cocktail consisting of a spirit and a liqueur.
Duo (noun)
A song in two parts; a duet.
Duet (noun)
a performance by two singers, instrumentalists, or dancers
“performing duets with famous foreign artists”
Duet (noun)
a musical composition for two performers
“a simple duet for two cellos”
Duet (verb)
perform a duet
“he duetted with Johnny on a ballad”
“they duetted at the tribute concert”
Duo (noun)
a pair of people or things, especially in music or entertainment
“the comedy duo Laurel and Hardy”
Duo (noun)
a duet
“two duos for violin and viola”