Domain vs. Demesne

By Jaxson

  • Demesne

    In the feudal system, the demesne ( di-MAYN) was all the land which was retained by a lord of the manor for his own use and occupation or support, under his own management, as distinguished from land sub-enfeoffed by him to others as sub-tenants. In England, royal demesne is the land held by the Crown, and ancient demesne is the legal term for the land held by the king at the time of the Domesday Book.

  • Domain (noun)

    A geographic area owned or controlled by a single person or organization.

    “The king ruled his domain harshly.”

  • Domain (noun)

    A field or sphere of activity, influence or expertise.

    “Dealing with complaints isn’t really my domain: get in touch with customer services.”

    “His domain is English history.”

  • Domain (noun)

    A group of related items, topics, or subjects.

  • Domain (noun)

    The set of all possible mathematical entities (points) where a given function is defined.

  • Domain (noun)

    The set of input (argument) values for which a function is defined.

  • Domain (noun)

    A ring with no zero divisors; that is, in which no product of nonzero elements is zero.

    “integral domain”

  • Domain (noun)

    An open and connected set in some topology. For example, the interval (0,1) as a subset of the real numbers.

  • Domain (noun)

    Any DNS delegated and has become representative of the delegated domain name and its subdomains.

  • Domain (noun)

    A collection of DNS or DNS-like domain names consisting of a delegated domain name and all its subdomains.

  • Domain (noun)

    A collection of information having to do with a domain, the computers named in the domain, and the network on which the computers named in the domain reside.

  • Domain (noun)

    The collection of computers identified by a domain’s domain names.

  • Domain (noun)

    A small region of a magnetic material with a consistent magnetization direction.

  • Domain (noun)

    Such a region used as a data storage element in a bubble memory.

  • Domain (noun)

    A form of technical metadata that represent the type of a data item, its characteristics, name, and usage.

  • Domain (noun)

    The highest taxa Bacteria, Archaea, or Eukaryota.

  • Domain (noun)

    A folded section of a protein molecule that has a discrete function.

  • Demesne (noun)

    A lord’s chief manor place, with that part of the lands belonging thereto which has not been granted out in tenancy; a house, and the land adjoining, kept for the proprietor’s own use.

  • Demesne (noun)

    A region or area; a domain.

  • Domain (noun)

    an area of territory owned or controlled by a particular ruler or government

    “the French domains of the Plantagenets”

  • Domain (noun)

    a specified sphere of activity or knowledge

    “the country’s isolation in the domain of sport”

  • Domain (noun)

    a distinct subset of the Internet with addresses sharing a common suffix or under the control of a particular organization or individual.

  • Domain (noun)

    a discrete region of magnetism in ferromagnetic material.

  • Domain (noun)

    the set of possible values of the independent variable or variables of a function.

  • Domain (noun)

    a distinct region of a complex molecule or structure.

Oxford Dictionary

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