Difference between Fate and Destiny

By Jaxson

Main Difference

Different cultures and people have distinct ways of looking at things, therefore some terms are relevant for particular ones, and others are not that much. The ones getting discussed here are related to teaching other but have meaning that differs. These are destiny and fate, and the main difference becomes evident from the definition. Fate is the development of the events in the life of a person that are not in their control and get termed as fortune given by some supernatural being. Destiny I the events that will happen in someone’s life for sure in the future and it cannot be controlled.

Comparison Chart

Basis of Distinction Fate Destiny
Definition The development of the events in the life of a person that are not in their control and termed as fortune given by some supernatural being. The events that will happen in someone’s life for sure in the future and it cannot keep controlled.
Focus Something that is out of control of human beings. Something that is in control of the people.
Nature Planned by a divine being Depends on the actions of an individual
Example A person couldn’t avoid fate, but they could control the way they responded to it. Whatever the cause, Destiny was drawn to Felipa from the start.


The word fate gets defined as the development of the events in the life of a person that are not in their control and termed as fortune given by some supernatural being. The supernatural being, in this case, is mostly considered God. Most of the times when we talk about fate, it is like something already decided for us, and nothing changes. We get what we deserve is a phrase that gets originated from the fate. It also has some say in the Greek and Roman mythology where fate was the name of three goddesses who were responsible for the life and death of human beings. Destiny of each person gets measured regarding a thread that was cut in different steps depending on the individual. This act carried out by Fates, Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos. People agree that fate is something beyond human control and we cannot change it. In most religions, though, it is thought that fate gets changed if someone prays to God and asks for something. The word itself got originated from the Latin word called fari, that meant speak. It was then entered in Italian and French language as Fato and Fat, from where the term Fatum in Latin meaning ‘that which got spoken’ gave it the current formation. The definition then finally settles on the destination that a person reaches in a particular way without changing it.


The word destiny gets defined as the events that will happen in someone’s life for sure in the future, and it cannot keep controlled. The hidden powers that control what goes on in the future are believed to deliver destiny and therefore explained in such ways. Most of the people living in Europe think that they are in control of their actions and everything they do, will influence everything. In Eastern countries, it gets considered that nothing is under human control and we are merely puppets in the bigger scheme of things. Several researchers show impressive figures, according to one, destiny controls 65% of our lives, and human beings themselves control 35%. Sometimes people confuse voluntary action as destiny, but there are many differences. For example, if a person gets drunk and then does something then it will be their actions. But if they are sleeping and something happens to them, then we call it our destiny. Sometimes it also gets considered as the goal of a person. Let us say two friends want to be a singer and make their mark on the field, one of them works hard, and the other one is talented. The one who works hard fails in gaining popularity, but the one who has talent makes their mark. We say that the latter one was not destined to go big things.

Key Differences

  • The word fate gets defined as the development of the events in the life of a person that are not in their control and termed as fortune given by some supernatural being. The word destiny gets defined as the events that will happen in someone’s life for sure in the future, and it cannot keep controlled.
  • Fate is something that is out of control of human beings whereas destiny is something that is in control of the people if they want.
  • Fate is planned by a divine being whereas Destiny is shaped depending on the actions of an individual and the blessing of divine being.
  • Fate is considered a downbeat thing and mostly negative whereas destiny gets seen as an upbeat thing and mostly positive.
  • Fate never changes no matter how hard a person tries, destiny changes if a person works hard and goes for worst if there are no tries.
  • Sentence example of fate is; “He’d treated her like shit tonight, and he was at a loss as to how to prevent the tortured existence that became the fate of most Oracles.” Sentence example of destiny is; “She retrieved two boxes from the attic and enlisted help from Destiny in setting up and decorating the tree in the dining room.”

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