Difference between Etiquette and Netiquette

By Jaxson

Main Difference

Etiquette has the meaning of the standard code of conduct or the way a person behaves within a professional and educational environment. On the other hand, the word netiquette has the definition of code that people follow while interacting on the internet and helps to maintain the real-life etiquettes.

Comparison Chart

Basis of Distinction Etiquette Netiquette
Definition The general code of conduct or the way a person behaves within a professional and educational environment. A code that people follow while interacting on the internet and helps to maintain the real-life etiquettes.
Existence Exist among the members of an organization and the groups who work under someone’s supervision. Focuses itself more on the fact that people show some respect to others when sharing their views.
Nature We deal with etiquettes in our daily routines where our culture integrates something. It has the different definition that belongs to technology.
Example Respecting your elders and being nice to kids respecting other’s views and not bullying them over social networks.


Etiquette has the meaning of the general code of conduct or the way a person behaves within a professional and educational environment. From this definition, it becomes easy to conclude that etiquettes become distinct among the members of an organization and the groups who work under someone’s supervision. Every place, be it professional or non-professional has some rules which everyone follows. The simplest example of this case becomes the fact that whenever we are at home, sleeping on time, eating when the meal is ready, the way of interacting with family become accurate to everyone. Each house has their way of living and therefore keeps revolving. Another example becomes the working of someone at an office, if they work there, a correct dress code, a way of interacting with people, calling each other with their job positions becomes fixed. If the same person works in the field, they have a separate dress which may not have any formal coding. Some of the synonyms used for this word include good manners, proper behavior, and protocol. A simple way to understand this term more becomes its utilization in a few sentences. “As the mazurka began, Boris saw that Adjutant General Balashev, one of those in closest attendance to the Emperor, went up to him and contrary to court etiquette stood near him while he was talking to a Polish lady.” It also has the meaning of the protocols that get set by the higher authorities that have the power of management.


The word netiquette has the definition of code that people follow while interacting on the internet and helps to maintain the real-life etiquettes. The term originated from the combination of internet and protocol and focused itself more on the act that people show some respect to others when sharing their views. It becomes focused on the people that belong to other organizations and ethnicities. The main difference, therefore, becomes that we deal with the first term in our daily routines where our culture integrates somethings such as respecting elders and talking sweetly to kids. Netiquette, on the other hand, has the different definition that belongs to technology. For example, when someone makes a mistake while asking or saying something, instead of making fun of that person a better thing would become to point out the error in a simple manner and not calling it something useless of stupid. It also has different types such as online etiquette and mobile etiquette that belong to computer and our cell phone devices respectively. A better way of understanding this term more becomes its use in a few sentences. “Do ‘real’ journalists have less netiquette than web bloggers, or is this just business as usual?” and “Violating the rules of on-line etiquette, also called netiquette, can also increase the probability of sabotage occurring.” Both these phrases help to understand the real meaning and to develop clear instructions as to what a person has the right to do and what they should avoid.

Key Differences

  • Etiquette has the sense of the normal code of conduct or the way a person behaves within a professional and educational environment. On the other hand, the word netiquette has the definition of code that people follow while interacting on the internet and helps to maintain the real-life etiquettes.
  • Etiquettes become accurate among the members of an organization and the groups who work under someone’s supervision. On the other hand, Netiquette focuses itself more on the act that people show some respect to others when sharing their views on social networks.
  • Sentence usage of netiquette becomes “Do ‘real’ journalists have less netiquette than web bloggers, or is this just business as usual?”. On the other hand, the sentence example of etiquette becomes “One of those in closest attendance on the Emperor, went up to him and contrary to court etiquette stood near him while he was talking to a Polish lady.”
  • We deal with etiquettes in our daily routines where our culture integrates somethings such as respecting elders and talking sweetly to kids. Netiquette, on the other hand, has the different definition that belongs to technology.
  • Respecting your elders and being nice to kids becomes an example of etiquette, on the other hand, respecting other’s views and not bullying them over social networks become netiquettes.

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