Difference between Affluent and Effluent

By Jaxson

Main Difference

Affluent and Effluent are two words with same sound and similar spellings. Some people consider them same but actually both of these words are totally different from each other. Affluent is used for someone who is wealthy and prosper. It is also used for fluid flow in a large quantity either literally or figuratively. Effluent is word having the meaning of waste released as liquid sewage. It is sometimes used with the meaning of flowing out but mostly it is used for chemicals. “Affluent” is an adjective while “effluent” is a noun. “Affluent” and “Effluent” have similar sound but “Affluent starts with “A” and “Effluent” starts with “E”.


Affluent is an adjective and is used to describe a noun. It means prosper, rich and wealthier person. It is used to describe the elite lifestyle. For example, “Steve is enjoying an affluent lifestyle”. In this sentence affluent is describing the prosperity of Steve. “Shayen is the owner of this palace so she is affluent”. Here “affluent” is describing that Shaven is a wealthy lady and a rich women.


Effluent is a noun and describes the waste released as liquid sewage. It is sometimes used with the meaning of flowing out but mostly it is used for chemicals. The discharge of chemicals and poisonous liquids from the factories and industries are referred to the “effluent”. For example, “The effluent is harmful to nearby population, don’t discharge here”. Here “effluent” is describing that the wastage from the factories.

Key Differences

  • “Affluent” is an adjective while “effluent” is a noun.
  • “Affluent” means wealthy and prosper while effluent means liquid wastage or sewage.
  • The factories with affluent culture make the proper arrangements for effluents. Here “affluent” is used for the rich and well cultured industry which has proper sense of environment. “Effluent” is used to describe the chemical wastage of industry which should be handled properly.
  • “Affluent” and “Effluent” have similar sound but “Affluent starts with “A” and “Effluent” starts with “E”.
  • US is an affluent state and its industry has proper discharge for effluents.

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