Diamond () is a metastable allotrope of carbon, where the carbon atoms are arranged in a variation of the face-centered cubic crystal structure called a diamond lattice. Diamond is less stable than graphite, but the conversion rate from diamond to graphite is negligible at standard conditions. Diamond is renowned as a material with superlative physical qualities, most of which originate from the strong covalent bonding between its atoms. In particular, diamond has the highest hardness and thermal conductivity of any bulk material. Those properties determine the major industrial application of diamond in cutting and polishing tools and the scientific applications in diamond knives and diamond anvil cells.
Because of its extremely rigid lattice, it can be contaminated by very few types of impurities, such as boron and nitrogen. Small amounts of defects or impurities (about one per million of lattice atoms) color diamond blue (boron), yellow (nitrogen), brown (lattice defects), green (radiation exposure), purple, pink, orange or red. Diamond also has relatively high optical dispersion (ability to disperse light of different colors).
Most natural diamonds are formed at high temperature and pressure at depths of 140 to 190 kilometers (87 to 118 mi) in the Earth’s mantle. Carbon-containing minerals provide the carbon source, and the growth occurs over periods from 1 billion to 3.3 billion years (25% to 75% of the age of the Earth). Diamonds are brought close to the Earth’s surface through deep volcanic eruptions by magma, which cools into igneous rocks known as kimberlites and lamproites. Diamonds can also be produced synthetically in a HPHT method which approximately simulates the conditions in the Earth’s mantle. An alternative, and completely different growth technique is chemical vapor deposition (CVD). Several non-diamond materials, which include cubic zirconia and silicon carbide and are often called diamond simulants, resemble diamond in appearance and many properties. Special gemological techniques have been developed to distinguish natural diamonds, synthetic diamonds, and diamond simulants. The word is from the ancient Greek ἀδάμας – adámas “unbreakable”.
Diamante (noun)
An artificial diamond used as adornment, such as a rhinestone.
Diamante (noun)
A diamante poem.
Diamante (adjective)
covered in diamante decorations
Diamante (adjective)
shiny or iridescent, as if covered in or made of diamonds
Diamond (noun)
A glimmering glass-like mineral that is an allotrope of carbon in which each atom is surrounded by four others in the form of a tetrahedron.
“The saw is coated with diamond.”
Diamond (noun)
A gemstone made from this mineral.
“The dozen loose diamonds sparkled in the light.”
Diamond (noun)
A ring containing a diamond.
“What a beautiful engagement diamond.”
Diamond (noun)
A very pale blue color/colour.
diamond color:” “
“ “
Diamond (noun)
Something that resembles a diamond.
Diamond (noun)
A rhombus, especially when oriented so that its longer axis is vertical.
Diamond (noun)
The polyiamond made up of two triangles.
Diamond (noun)
The entire field of play used in the game.
Diamond (noun)
The infield of a baseball field.
“The teams met on the diamond.”
Diamond (noun)
A card of the diamonds suit.
“I have only one diamond in my hand.”
Diamond (noun)
A size of type, standardised as 4½ point.
Diamond (noun)
The size of type between brilliant and pearl, standardized as 4½-point.
Diamond (adjective)
made of, or containing diamond, a diamond or diamonds.
“He gave her diamond earrings.”
Diamond (adjective)
of, relating to, or being a sixtieth anniversary.
“Today is their diamond wedding anniversary.”
Diamond (adjective)
of, relating to, or being a seventy-fifth anniversary.
“Today is their diamond wedding anniversary.”
Diamond (adjective)
First-rate; excellent.
“He’s a diamond geezer.”
Diamond (verb)
to adorn with or as if with diamonds
Diamond (noun)
a precious stone consisting of a clear and colourless crystalline form of pure carbon, the hardest naturally occurring substance
“a diamond ring”
Diamond (noun)
a tool with a small diamond for cutting glass.
Diamond (noun)
an excellent or very special person or thing
“Fred’s a diamond”
Diamond (noun)
a figure with four straight sides of equal length forming two opposite acute angles and two opposite obtuse angles; a rhombus
“a sweater with a pale-blue diamond pattern”
Diamond (noun)
one of the four suits in a conventional pack of playing cards, denoted by a red diamond.
Diamond (noun)
a card of the suit of diamonds
“she led a losing diamond”
Diamond (noun)
the area delimited by the four bases of a baseball field, forming a square shape.
Diamond (noun)
a baseball field.