Citizenship is the status of a person recognized under the custom or law as being a legal member of a sovereign state or belonging to a nation.
A person may have multiple citizenships and a person who does not have citizenship of any state is said to be stateless.
Nationality is often used as a synonym for citizenship in English – notably in international law – although the term is sometimes understood as denoting a person’s membership of a nation (a large ethnic group). In some countries, e.g. the United States, the United Kingdom, nationality and citizenship can have different meanings (for more information, see Nationality versus citizenship).
Denizen (noun)
An inhabitant of a place; one who dwells in.
“The giant squid is one of many denizens of the deep.”
Denizen (noun)
One who frequents a place.
“The denizens of that pub are of the roughest sort.”
Denizen (noun)
A person with rights between those of naturalized citizen and resident alien (roughly permanent resident), obtained through letters patent.
“Though born in Iceland, he became a denizen of Britain after leaving Oxford.”
Denizen (noun)
An animal or plant from a particular range or habitat.
“The bald eagle is a denizen of the northern part of the state.””
Denizen (verb)
To grant rights of citizenship to; to naturalize.
“He was denizened to Ireland after fleeing his home country.”
Denizen (verb)
To provide with denizens; to populate with adopted or naturalized occupants.
Citizen (noun)
A resident of a city or town, particularly:
Citizen (noun)
A freeman or burgher: a legally-recognized member of an incorporated city.
Citizen (noun)
A member of the early modern urban middle class, distinguished from nobles and landed gentry on one side and from peasants, craftsmen, and laborers on the other.
Citizen (noun)
A legally-recognized member of a state, with associated rights and obligations; a person considered in terms of this role, particularly:
“I am a Roman citizen.”
Citizen (noun)
A resident or future resident of the heavenly city or later of the kingdom of God: a Christian; a good Christian.
Citizen (noun)
A member of a state that is not a monarchy.
Citizen (noun)
An inhabitant: a member of any place.
“Diogenes reckoned himself a citizen of the world.”
Citizen (noun)
A private citizen: a civilian, as opposed to a police officer, professional soldier, or other (usually state) group.
Citizen (noun)
An object.
Denizen (noun)
a person, animal, or plant that lives or is found in a particular place
“denizens of field and forest”
Denizen (noun)
a foreigner allowed certain rights in their adopted country.
Citizen (noun)
a legally recognized subject or national of a state or commonwealth, either native or naturalized
“a British citizen”
Citizen (noun)
an inhabitant of a particular town or city
“the good citizens of Edinburgh”