Cousin vs. Niece

By Jaxson

Main Difference

The main difference between Cousin and Niece is that the Cousin is a any descendant of ancestors sibling and Niece is a child of one’s sibling or half-sibling.

  • Cousin

    Commonly, “cousin” refers to a “first cousin” or equivalently “full cousin”, people whose most recent common ancestor is a grandparent. A first cousin used to be known as a cousin-german, though this term is rarely used today.More generally, cousin is a type of familial relationship in which people with a known common ancestor are both two or more generations away from their most recent common ancestor. This distinguishes a cousin from an ancestor, descendant, sibling, aunt, uncle, niece, or nephew.Systems of “degrees” and “removals” are used in the English-speaking world to describe the exact relationship between two cousins (in the broad sense) and the ancestor they have in common. Various governmental entities have established systems for legal use that can precisely specify kinship with common ancestors any number of generations in the past. Common usage often eliminates the degrees and removals, and refers to people with common ancestry as simply “distant cousins” or “relatives”.

  • Niece

    In the language of kinship, a nephew is a son of a person’s sibling, and a niece is a daughter of a person’s sibling. Conversely, that person is the aunt or uncle of their niece or nephew. The relationship of aunt/uncle to niece/nephew is an example of second-degree relatives, meaning that their coefficient of relationship is 25%.

    The terms are also used colloquially for sons and daughters of siblings-in-law, even though there is no blood relationship.

  • Cousin (noun)

    The son or daughter of a person’s uncle or aunt; a first cousin.

    “I think my cousin is a good man.”

  • Cousin (noun)

    Any relation who is not a direct ancestor or descendant but part of one’s extended family; one more distantly related than an uncle, aunt, granduncle, grandaunt, nephew, niece, grandnephew, grandniece, etc.

  • Cousin (noun)

    A title formerly given by a king to a nobleman, particularly to those of the council. In English writs, etc., issued by the crown, it signifies any earl.

  • Cousin (noun)

    Something kindred or related to another.

  • Niece (noun)

    A daughter of one’s sibling, brother-in-law, or sister-in-law; either the daughter of one’s brother (“fraternal niece”), or of one’s sister (“sororal niece”).

    “My niece just celebrated her 15th birthday.”


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