Content vs. Contents

By Jaxson

  • Content (noun)

    That which is contained.

  • Content (noun)

    Subject matter; that which is contained in writing or speech.

  • Content (noun)

    The amount of material contained; contents.

  • Content (noun)

    Capacity for holding.

  • Content (noun)

    The n-dimensional space contained by an n-dimensional polytope (called volume in the case of a polyhedron and area in the case of a polygon).

  • Content (noun)

    The greatest common divisor of the coefficients; the common factor of the coefficients which, when removed, leaves the adjusted coefficients with no common factor that is noninvertible.

  • Content (noun)

    Satisfaction; contentment.

    “They were in a state of sleepy content after supper.”

  • Content (noun)

    Acquiescence without examination.

  • Content (noun)

    That which contents or satisfies; that which if attained would make one happy.

  • Content (noun)

    An expression of assent to a bill or motion; an affirmate vote.

  • Content (noun)

    A member who votes in assent.

  • Content (adjective)


  • Content (interjection)

    Alright, agreed.

  • Content (verb)

    To give contentment or satisfaction; to satisfy; to make happy.

    “You can’t have any more – you’ll have to content yourself with what you already have.”

  • Content (verb)

    To satisfy the expectations of; to pay; to requite.

  • Contents (noun)

    plural of content

  • Contents (noun)

    That which is contained.

    “It is not covered in your homeowner’s policy. You need contents insurance.”

    “The contents of the cup had a familiar aroma.”

  • Contents (noun)

    A table of contents, a list of chapters, etc. in a book, and the page numbers on which they start.

    “I always start a book by reading the dustjacket and the contents before I really dig in to the content itself.”


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