Communization (or communisation in British English) mainly refers to a contemporary communist theory in which there is a “mixing-up of insurrectionist anarchism, the communist ultra-left, post-autonomists, anti-political currents, groups like the Invisible Committee, as well as more explicitly ‘communizing’ currents, such as Théorie Communiste. “Obviously at the heart of the word is communism and, as the shift to communization suggests, communism as a particular activity and process…” It is important to note the big differences in perception and usage. Some groups start out from an activist voluntarism (Tiqqun, Invisible Committee), while others derive communization as an historical and social result emerging out of capital’s development over the last decades (Endnotes, Théorie Communiste). Endnotes totally distinguishes itself from the mixing of all sorts of meanings of the word communization and explicitly refers to the different reception in the Anglophone world as opposed to the original French milieu from which it emerged as a critique.
Commonize (verb)
To make similar or common.
“He attempted to commonize the various standards by ensuring a similar format and implementation.”
Commonize (verb)
To deprecate the importance of, or make ordinary.
“She gave each participant a trophy, regardless of win or loss, to commonize the award for winning.”
Communize (verb)
To make something the property of a community.
Communize (verb)
To impose Communist ideals on people.
Communize (verb)
To become or be made communistic.
Communize (verb)
To come under public ownership or control.
Communize (verb)
cause (a country or economic activity) to be organized on the principles of communism
“the region was communized after World War II”