Commander vs. Captain

By Jaxson

  • Commander

    Commander is a common naval and air force officer rank. Commander is also used as a rank or title in other formal organisations, including several police forces.

    In several countries this naval rank is termed Frigate Captain.

    Commander is also a generic term for an officer commanding any armed forces unit, for example “platoon commander”, “brigade commander” and “squadron commander”. In the police, terms such as “borough commander” and “incident commander” are used.

  • Commander (noun)

    One who exercises control and direction of a military or naval organization.

  • Commander (noun)

    A naval officer whose rank is above that of a lieutenant commander and below that of captain.

  • Commander (noun)

    One who exercises control and direction over a group of persons.

  • Commander (noun)

    A designation or rank in certain non-military organizations such as NASA and various police forces.

  • Commander (noun)

    The chief officer of a commandry.

  • Commander (noun)

    A heavy beetle or wooden mallet, used in paving, in sail lofts, etc.

  • Commander (noun)

    A rank within an honorary order: e.g. Commander of the Legion of Honour.

  • Commander (noun)

    Any of various nymphalid butterflies of the Asian genus ver=190708.

  • Captain (noun)

    A chief or leader.

  • Captain (noun)

    The person lawfully in command of a ship or other vessel.

    “The captain is the last man to leave a sinking ship.”

  • Captain (noun)

    An army officer with a rank between the most senior grade of lieutenant and major.

  • Captain (noun)

    A naval officer with a rank between commander and commodore.

  • Captain (noun)

    A commissioned officer in the Coast Guard, NOAA Corps, or PHS Corps of a grade superior to a Army, Marine Corps, or Air Force colonel.

  • Captain (noun)

    One of the athletes on a sports team who designated to make decisions, and is allowed to speak for his team with a referee or official.

  • Captain (noun)

    The leader of a group of workers.

    “John Henry said to the captain, “A man ain’t nothing but a man.””

  • Captain (noun)

    A maĆ®tre d’.

  • Captain (noun)

    An honorific title given to a prominent person. See colonel.

  • Captain (noun)

    Someone who provides contextual information for a post. Originally a shorthand for ‘Captain Obvious’.

  • Captain (verb)

    To act as captain

  • Captain (verb)

    To exercise command of a ship, aircraft or sports team.


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