Main Difference
The main difference between Claw and Jaw is that the Claw is a pointed appendage and Jaw is a opposable articulated structure at the entrance of the mouth, typically used for grasping and manipulating food; structures constituting the vault of the mouth and serving to open and close it and is part of the body plan of most animals
A claw is a curved, pointed appendage, found at the end of a toe or finger in most amniotes (mammals, reptiles, birds).
Some invertebrates such as beetles and spiders have somewhat similar fine hooked structures at the end of the leg or tarsus for gripping a surface as the creature walks. Crabs’, lobsters’ and scorpions’ pincers, or more formally, their chelae, are sometimes called claws.
A true claw is made of hard protein called keratin. Claws are used to catch and hold prey in carnivorous mammals such as cats and dogs, but may also be used for such purposes as digging, climbing trees, self-defense, and grooming, in those and other species.
Similar appendages that are flat and do not come to a sharp point are called nails instead. Claw-like projections that do not form at the end of digits, but spring from other parts of the foot are properly named spurs.
The jaw is any opposable articulated structure at the entrance of the mouth, typically used for grasping and manipulating food. The term jaws is also broadly applied to the whole of the structures constituting the vault of the mouth and serving to open and close it and is part of the body plan of most animals.
Claw (noun)
A curved, pointed horny nail on each digit of the foot of a mammal, reptile, or bird.
Claw (noun)
A foot equipped with such.
Claw (noun)
The pincer (chela) of a crustacean or other arthropod.
Claw (noun)
A mechanical device resembling a claw, used for gripping or lifting.
Claw (noun)
A slender appendage or process, formed like a claw, such as the base of petals of the pink.
Claw (noun)
The act of catching a ball overhand.
Claw (verb)
To scratch or to tear at.
Claw (verb)
To use the claws to seize, to grip.
Claw (verb)
To use the claws to climb.
Claw (verb)
To perform a claw catch.
Claw (verb)
To move with one’s fingertips.
Claw (verb)
To relieve uneasy feeling, such as an itch, by scratching; hence, to humor or flatter, to court someone.
Claw (verb)
To rail at; to scold.
Claw (verb)
To flatter; to fawn on (a person).
Jaw (noun)
One of the bones, usually bearing teeth, which form the framework of the mouth.
Jaw (noun)
The part of the face below the mouth.
“His jaw dropped in amazement.”
Jaw (noun)
Anything resembling the jaw of an animal in form or action; especially plural, the mouth or way of entrance.
“the jaws of a pass; the jaws of darkness; the jaws of death.”
Jaw (noun)
A notch or opening.
Jaw (noun)
A notched or forked part, adapted for holding an object in place.
“the jaw of a railway-car pedestal.”
Jaw (noun)
One of a pair of opposing parts which are movable towards or from each other, for grasping or crushing anything between them.
“the jaws of a vise; the jaws of a stone-crushing machine.”
Jaw (noun)
The inner end of a boom or gaff, hollowed in a half circle so as to move freely on a mast.
Jaw (noun)
Impudent or abusive talk.
Jaw (noun)
Axle guard.
Jaw (noun)
The curved part of the id=snooker marking the entry to the pocket.
Jaw (verb)
To assail or abuse by scolding.
Jaw (verb)
To scold; to clamor.
Jaw (verb)
To talk; to converse.
Jaw (verb)
(of a ball) To stick in the jaws of a pocket.
Jaw (adjective)
(used in certain set phrases like jaw harp, jaw harpist and jaw’s-trump)
Claw (noun)
a curved pointed horny nail on each digit of the foot in birds, lizards, and some mammals.
Claw (noun)
either of a pair of small hooked appendages on an insect’s foot.
Claw (noun)
the pincer of a crab, scorpion, or other arthropod.
Claw (noun)
a mechanical device resembling a claw, used for gripping or lifting.
Claw (verb)
scratch or tear something with the claws or the fingernails
“the kitten was clawing at Lowell’s trouser leg”
“her hands clawed his shoulders”
Claw (verb)
clutch at something with the hands
“his fingers clawed at the air”
Claw (verb)
make one’s way with difficulty by hauling oneself forward with one’s hands
“she was determined to claw her way out of poverty and find fame”
“he clawed his way over a pile of bricks”
Claw (verb)
try desperately to move or remove something with the hands
“rescuers clawed away rubble with their bare hands”
Claw (verb)
scratch (a part of one’s body) gently so as to relieve itching.
Claw (verb)
(of a sailing ship) beat to windward
“the ability to claw off a lee shore”
Claw Illustrations