Classification (noun)
The act of forming into a class or classes; a distribution into groups, as classes, orders, families, etc., according to some common relations or attributes.
Type (noun)
A grouping based on shared characteristics; a class.
“This type of plane can handle rough weather more easily than that type of plane.”
Type (noun)
An individual considered typical of its class, one regarded as typifying a certain profession, environment, etc.
Type (noun)
An individual that represents the ideal for its class; an embodiment.
Type (noun)
A letter or character used for printing, historically a cast or engraved block.
Type (noun)
Such types collectively, or a set of type of one font or size.
Type (noun)
Something, often a specimen, selected as an objective anchor to connect a scientific name to a taxon; this need not be representative or typical.
“the type of a genus, family, etc.”
Type (noun)
Preferred sort of person; sort of person that one is attracted to.
“We can’t get along: he’s just not my type.”
“He was exactly her type.”
Type (noun)
A blood group.
Type (noun)
An event or person that prefigures or foreshadows a later event – commonly an Old Testament event linked to Christian times.
Type (noun)
A tag attached to variables and values used in determining which kinds of value can be used in which situations; a data type.
Type (noun)
The original object, or class of objects, scene, face, or conception, which becomes the subject of a copy; especially, the design on the face of a medal or a coin.
Type (noun)
A simple compound, used as a mode or pattern to which other compounds are conveniently regarded as being related, and from which they may be actually or theoretically derived.
“The fundamental types used to express the simplest and most essential chemical relations are hydrochloric acid, water, ammonia, and methane.”
Type (noun)
A part of the corresponds to the notion of “data type” in computing theory.)
“Categorial grammar is like a combination of context-free grammar and types.”
Type (verb)
To put text on paper using a typewriter.
Type (verb)
To enter text or commands into a computer using a keyboard.
Type (verb)
To determine the blood type of.
“The doctor ordered the lab to type the patient for a blood transfusion.”
Type (verb)
To represent by a type, model, or symbol beforehand; to prefigure.
Type (verb)
To furnish an expression or copy of; to represent; to typify.
Type (verb)
To categorize into types.
Classification (noun)
the action or process of classifying something
“the classification of disease according to symptoms”
Classification (noun)
the arrangement of animals and plants in taxonomic groups according to their observed similarities (including at least kingdom and phylum in animals, division in plants, and class, order, family, genus, and species)
“diagnostic features in reptilian classification”
“the classification of the platypus was one of the critical issues of the 1830s”
Classification (noun)
a category into which something is put
“new classifications for drivers of commercial vehicles”
Type (noun)
a category of people or things having common characteristics
“blood types”
“this type of heather grows better in a drier habitat”
Type (noun)
a person of a specified character or nature
“two sporty types in tracksuits”
Type (noun)
the sort of person one likes or finds attractive
“she’s not really my type”
Type (noun)
a person or thing exemplifying the ideal or defining characteristics of something
“she characterized his witty sayings as the type of modern wisdom”
Type (noun)
an object, conception, or work of art serving as a model for subsequent artists.
Type (noun)
a symbol of someone or something
“the dolphin is a conventional type of Christ”
Type (noun)
a person or event in the Old Testament taken as a foreshadowing of someone or something in the New Testament.
Type (noun)
an organism or taxon chosen as having the essential characteristics of its group.
Type (noun)
short for type specimen
Type (noun)
characters or letters that are printed or shown on a screen
“bold type”
Type (noun)
a piece of metal with a raised letter or character on its upper surface, for use in letterpress printing.
Type (noun)
metal types used in letterpress printing
“the first European printing of books began in 1454 with the invention of movable type”
Type (noun)
a design on either side of a medal or coin.
Type (noun)
an abstract category or class of linguistic item or unit, as distinct from actual occurrences in speech or writing.
Type (verb)
write (something) on a typewriter or computer by pressing the keys
“he typed out the second draft”
“I’m learning to type”
Type (verb)
determine the type to which (a person or their blood or tissue) belongs
“the kidney was typed”