Choking vs. Chocking

By Jaxson

  • Choking

    Choking (also known as foreign body airway obstruction) is a life-threatening medical emergency characterized by the blockage of air passage into the lungs secondary to the inhalation or ingestion of food or another object.

    Choking is caused by a mechanical obstruction of the airway that prevents normal breathing. This obstruction can be partial (allowing some air passage into the lungs) or complete (no air passage into the lungs). The disruption of normal breathing by choking deprives oxygen delivery to the body, resulting in asphyxia. Although oxygen stored in the blood and lungs can keep a person alive for several minutes after breathing stops, this sequence of events is potentially fatal. Choking was the fourth most common cause of unintentional injury-related death in the US in 2011.According to the National Safety Council (NSC), deaths from choking most often occur in the very young (children under 1 years old) and in the elderly (adults over 75 years). Obstruction of the airway can occur at the level of the pharynx or the trachea. Foods that can adapt their shape to that of the pharynx (such as bananas, marshmallows, or gelatinous candies) can be a danger not just for children but for persons of any age.Choking is one type of airway obstruction, which includes any blockage of the air-conducting passages, including blockage due to tumors, swelling of the airway tissues, and compression of the laryngopharynx, larynx or vertebrate trachea in strangulation.

  • Choking (noun)

    The process in which a person’s airway becomes blocked, resulting in asphyxia in cases that are not treated promptly.

  • Choking (noun)

    The act of coughing when a foreign object (i.e. food, beverages) becomes lodged in a person’s airway.

  • Choking (verb)

    present participle of choke

  • Chocking (verb)

    present participle of chock


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