Chiselled vs. Chiseled

By Jaxson

  • Chiselled (verb)

    simple past tense and past participle of chisel

  • Chiselled (adjective)

    Having strongly defined facial features.

    “w|David Beckham is renowned for his chiselled good looks.”

  • Chiseled (verb)

    simple past tense and past participle of chisel

  • Chiseled (adjective)

    Having strongly defined facial features.

    “Brad Pitt is renowned for his chiseled good looks.”

  • Chiseled (adjective)

    Having well-developed muscles with minimal bodyfat.

  • Chiselled (adjective)

    (of wood or stone) shaped or cut with a chisel

    “the squared shapes of the chiselled stone”

  • Chiselled (adjective)

    (of a man’s facial features) strongly and clearly defined

    “the chiselled features of a male model”

Oxford Dictionary

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