Cheek vs. Chin

By Jaxson

Main Difference

The main difference between Cheek and Chin is that the Cheek is a part of the head and Chin is a facial feature.

  • Cheek

    Cheeks (Latin: buccae) constitute the area of the face below the eyes and between the nose and the left or right ear. “Buccal” means relating to the cheek. In humans, the region is innervated by the buccal nerve. The area between the inside of the cheek and the teeth and gums is called the vestibule or buccal pouch or buccal cavity and forms part of the mouth. In other animals the cheeks may also be referred to as jowls.

  • Chin

    The chin or the mental region is the area of the face below the lower lip and including the mandibular prominence. It is formed by the lower front of the mandible.

  • Cheek (noun)

    The soft skin on each side of the face, below the eyes; the outer surface of the sides of the oral cavity.

  • Cheek (noun)

    A buttock.

  • Cheek (noun)


    “You’ve got some cheek, asking me for money!”

  • Cheek (noun)

    One of the genae, flat areas on the sides of a trilobite’s cephalon.

  • Cheek (noun)

    One of the pieces of a machine, or of timber or stonework, that form corresponding sides or a similar pair.

    “the cheeks of a vice; the cheeks of a gun carriage”

  • Cheek (noun)

    The branches of a bridle bit.

  • Cheek (noun)

    The middle section of a flask, made so that it can be moved laterally, to permit the removal of the pattern from the mould.

  • Cheek (verb)

    To be impudent towards.

    “Don’t cheek me, you little rascal!”

  • Chin (noun)

    The bottom of a face, the typically jutting jawline below the mouth.

  • Chin (noun)


  • Chin (noun)

    A lie, a falsehood.

  • Chin (noun)

    The chin without being knocked out.

  • Chin (noun)

    a chinchilla.

  • Chin (verb)

    To talk.

  • Chin (verb)

    To talk to or with (someone).

  • Chin (verb)

    To perform a chin-up exercise in which one lifts one’s own weight while hanging from a bar.

  • Chin (verb)

    To punch or hit (someone)’s chin part of the body.

  • Chin (verb)

    To put or hold (a musical instrument) up to one’s chin.

  • Chin (verb)

    To turn on or operate (a device) using one’s chin; to select (a particular setting) using one’s chin.

  • Chin (verb)

    To put one’s chin on (something).

  • Chin (verb)

    To indicate or point toward (someone or something) with one’s chin.


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