Bust vs. Statue

By Jaxson

  • Statue

    A statue is a sculpture, representing one or more people or animals (including abstract concepts allegorically represented as people or animals), free-standing (as opposed to a relief) and normally full-length (as opposed to a bust) and at least close to life-size, or larger.

    A small statue, usually small enough to be picked up, is called a statuette or figurine, while one that is more than twice life-size is called a colossal statue.

    The definition of a statue is not always clear-cut; equestrian statues, of a person on a horse, are certainly included, and in many cases, such as a Madonna and Child or a Pietà, a sculpture of two people will also be.

    Statues have been produced in many cultures from prehistory to the present; the oldest known statue dating to about 30,000 years ago. The world’s tallest statue, Spring Temple Buddha, is 128 metres (420 ft), and is located in Lushan County, Henan, China.

    Many statues are built on commission to commemorate a historical event, or the life of an influential person. Many statues are intended as public art, exhibited outdoors or in public buildings. Some statues gain fame in their own right, separate from the person or concept they represent, as with the Statue of Liberty.

  • Bust (noun)

    A sculptural portrayal of a person’s head and shoulders.

  • Bust (noun)

    The breasts and upper thorax of a woman.

  • Bust (noun)

    The act of arresting someone for a crime, or raiding a suspected criminal operation.

    “a narcotics bust”

  • Bust (noun)

    A failed enterprise; a bomb.

  • Bust (noun)

    A player who fails to meet expectations.

  • Bust (noun)

    A refutation of an opening, or of previously published analysis.

  • Bust (verb)

    To break.

    “I busted my cooker while trying to fix it.”

  • Bust (verb)

    To arrest (someone) for a crime.

  • Bust (verb)

    To catch (someone) in the act of doing something wrong, socially and morally inappropriate, or illegal, especially when being done in a sneaky or secretive state.

  • Bust (verb)

    An emphatic synonym of do or get.

    “He busted huge air off that jump!”

  • Bust (verb)

    To reduce in rank.

    “He busted him down to patrolman for insubordination.”

  • Bust (verb)

    To lose all of one’s chips.

  • Bust (verb)

    To exceed a score of 21.

  • Bust (verb)

    To break in (an animal).

  • Bust (verb)

    To ejaculate; to eject semen.

  • Bust (adjective)

    Without any money, broke, bankrupt.

    “After months of financial problems, the company finally went bust.”

  • Statue (noun)

    A three-dimensional work of art, usually representing a person or animal, usually created by sculpting, carving, molding, or casting.

  • Statue (noun)

    A portrait.

  • Statue (verb)

    To form a statue of; to make into a statue.

  • Bust (noun)

    a woman’s chest as measured around her breasts

    “a 36-inch bust”

  • Bust (noun)

    a woman’s breasts, especially considered in terms of their size

    “a woman with big hips and a big bust”

  • Bust (noun)

    a sculpture of a person’s head, shoulders, and chest.

  • Bust (noun)

    a period of economic difficulty or depression

    “the boom was followed by the present bust”

  • Bust (noun)

    a raid or arrest by the police

    “a drug bust”

  • Bust (noun)

    a worthless thing

    “cynics remain convinced the political process is a bust”

  • Bust (noun)

    a violent blow

    “a bust on the snout”

  • Bust (verb)

    break, split, or burst

    “the colour control had bust”

    “they bust the tunnel wide open”

    “the film bust every box office record”

  • Bust (verb)

    (of a group or couple) separate, typically after a quarrel

    “now they’ve bust up, she won’t inherit the house”

  • Bust (verb)

    violently disrupt

    “men hired to bust up union rallies”

  • Bust (verb)

    strike violently

    “Tamara bust him in the eye”

  • Bust (verb)


    “she busted out of prison”

  • Bust (verb)

    (in blackjack and similar card games) exceed the score of 21, so losing one’s stake.

  • Bust (verb)

    (of the police) raid or search (premises where illegal activity is suspected)

    “my flat got busted”

  • Bust (verb)


    “two roadies were busted for drugs”

  • Bust (verb)

    be caught in the act of doing something wrong

    “I sneaked up on them and told them they were busted”

  • Bust (verb)

    reduce (a soldier) to a lower rank; demote

    “he was busted to private”

  • Bust (adjective)

    damaged or broken

    “the vacuum cleaner’s bust”

  • Bust (adjective)


    “six of their sponsors have gone bust”

  • Statue (noun)

    a carved or cast figure of a person or animal, especially one that is life-size or larger.

Oxford Dictionary

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