Breath vs. Breathe

By Jaxson

  • Breath (noun)

    The breathing.

    “I could hear the breath of the runner behind me.”

    “The child’s breath came quickly and unevenly.”

  • Breath (noun)

    A single act of breathing in or out.

    “I took a deep breath and started the test.”

  • Breath (noun)

    Air expelled from the lungs.

    “I could feel the runner’s breath on my shoulder.”

  • Breath (noun)

    A rest or pause.

    “Let’s stop for a breath when we get to the top of the hill.”

  • Breath (noun)

    A small amount of something, such as wind, or common sense.

    “Even with all the windows open, there is hardly a breath of air in here.”

    “If she had a breath of common sense, she would never have spoken to the man in the first place.”

  • Breath (noun)

    Fragrance; exhalation; odor; perfume.

  • Breath (noun)

    Gentle exercise, causing a quicker respiration.

  • Breathe (verb)

    To draw air into (inhale), and expel air from (exhale), the lungs in order to extract oxygen and excrete waste gases.

  • Breathe (verb)

    To take in needed gases and expel waste gases in a similar way.

    “Fish have gills so they can breathe underwater.”

  • Breathe (verb)

    To inhale (a gas) to sustain life.

    “While life as we know it depends on oxygen, scientists have speculated that alien life forms might breathe chlorine or methane.”

  • Breathe (verb)

    To live.

    “I will not allow it, as long as I still breathe.”

  • Breathe (verb)

    To draw something into the lungs.

    “Try not to breathe too much smoke.”

  • Breathe (verb)

    To expel air from the lungs, exhale.

    “If you breathe on a mirror, it will fog up.”

  • Breathe (verb)

    To exhale or expel (something) in the manner of breath.

    “The flowers breathed a heady perfume.”

  • Breathe (verb)

    To give an impression of, to exude.

    “The decor positively breathes classical elegance.”

  • Breathe (verb)

    To whisper quietly.

    “He breathed the words into her ear, but she understood them all.”

  • Breathe (verb)

    To pass like breath; noiselessly or gently; to emanate; to blow gently.

    “The wind breathes through the trees.”

  • Breathe (verb)

    To exchange gases with the environment.

    “Garments made of certain new materials breathe well and keep the skin relatively dry during exercise.”

  • Breathe (verb)

    To rest; to stop and catch one’s breath.

  • Breathe (verb)

    To stop, to give a horse an opportunity to catch its breath.

    “At higher altitudes you need to breathe your horse more often.”

  • Breathe (verb)

    To passionately devote much of one’s life to (an activity, etc.).

    “Do you like hiking? Are you kidding? I breathe hiking.”

  • Breath (noun)

    the air taken into or expelled from the lungs

    “I was gasping for breath”

    “his breath smelled of garlic”

  • Breath (noun)

    an inhalation or exhalation of air from the lungs

    “she drew in a quick breath”

  • Breath (noun)

    the power of breathing; life.

  • Breath (noun)

    a slight movement of air

    “the weather was balmy, not a breath of wind”

  • Breath (noun)

    a sign, hint, or suggestion

    “he avoided the slightest breath of scandal”

  • Breathe (verb)

    take air into the lungs and then expel it, especially as a regular physiological process

    “he breathed out heavily”

    “breathe in through your nose”

    “she was breathing deeply”

    “we are polluting the air we breathe”

  • Breathe (verb)

    (of a fish) draw in water with dissolved oxygen through the mouth and force it out through the gills

    “you will see the gill cover opening and the gills fluttering, as water is drawn over the gills and the fish breathes”

  • Breathe (verb)

    (of a cell, tissue, or living organism) exchange gases, especially by means of a diffusion process

    “plants breathe through all their organs, including roots”

    “adult amphibians also breathe through their skin”

  • Breathe (verb)

    be alive; remain living

    “at least I’m still breathing”

  • Breathe (verb)

    (of wind) blow softly.

  • Breathe (verb)

    say something with quiet intensity

    “‘We’re together at last,’ she breathed”

  • Breathe (verb)

    give an impression of (something)

    “the whole room breathed an air of hygienic efficiency”

  • Breathe (verb)

    (of wine) be exposed to fresh air

    “letting a wine breathe allows oxygen to enter”

  • Breathe (verb)

    (of material or soil) admit or emit air or moisture

    “let your lawn breathe by putting air into the soil”

  • Breathe (verb)

    allow (a horse) to rest after exertion.

  • Breathe (verb)

    tarnish or taint

    “before the queen’s fair name was breathed upon”

Oxford Dictionary

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