Boy vs. Girl

By Jaxson

Main Difference

The main difference between Boy and Girl is that the Boy is a young male human and Girl is a young female human.

  • Boy

    A boy is a young male human, usually a child or adolescent. When he becomes an adult, he is described as a man. The most apparent difference between a typical boy and a typical girl is the genitalia. However, some intersex children with ambiguous genitals, and genetically female transgender children, may also be classified or self-identify as a boy.

    The term boy is primarily used to indicate biological sex distinctions, cultural gender role distinctions or both. The term can be joined with a variety of other words to form these gender-related labels as compound words.

  • Girl

    A girl is a young female human, usually a child or an adolescent. When she becomes an adult, she is described as a woman. The term girl may also be used to mean a young woman, and is sometimes used as a synonym for daughter. Girl may also be a term of endearment used by an adult, usually a woman, to designate adult female friends.

    The treatment and status of girls in any society is usually closely related to the status of women in that culture. In cultures where women have a low societal position, girls may be unwanted by their parents, and the state may invest less in services for girls. Girls’ upbringing ranges from being relatively the same as that of boys to complete sex segregation and completely different gender roles.

  • Boy (noun)

    A young male, from 15th c. particularly

    “Kate is dating a boy named Jim.”

  • Boy (noun)

    A male child: a son of any age.

  • Boy (noun)

    A male of any age, particularly one rather younger than the speaker. from 17th c.

  • Boy (noun)

    A male of low station, (especially as pejorative) a worthless male, a wretch; a mean and dishonest male, a knave. 14th-17th c.

  • Boy (noun)

    A male servant, slave, assistant, or employee, from 14th c. particularly:

  • Boy (noun)

    A male child or teenager, as distinguished from infants or adults.

  • Boy (noun)

    A younger such worker.

  • Boy (noun)

    A non-white male servant regardless of age, from 17th c. particularly as a form of address.

  • Boy (noun)

    Any non-white male, regardless of age. from 19th c.

  • Boy (noun)

    A male animal, especially, in affectionate address, a male dog. from 15th c.

    “C’mere, boy! Good boy! Who’s a good boy?”

    “Are you getting a boy cat or a girl cat?”

  • Boy (noun)

    A former low rank of various armed services; a holder of this rank.

  • Boy (noun)

    Heroin. from 20th c.

  • Boy (interjection)

    Exclamation of surprise, pleasure or longing.

    “Boy, that was close!”

    “Boy, that tastes good!”

    “Boy, I wish I could go to Canada!”

  • Boy (verb)

    to use the word boy to refer to someone

    “Don’t boy me!”

  • Boy (verb)

    to act as a boy in allusion to the former practice of boys acting women’s parts on the stage

  • Girl (noun)

    A female child, adolescent, or young woman.

    “Amanda is a girl of 16.”

  • Girl (noun)

    A young female animal.

  • Girl (noun)

    Any woman, regardless of her age. see usage notes

  • Girl (noun)

    A female servant; a maid. see usage notes

  • Girl (noun)

    A queen (the playing card.)

  • Girl (noun)

    A term of endearment. see usage notes

  • Girl (noun)

    One’s girlfriend.

  • Girl (noun)

    One’s daughter.

    “Your girl turned up on our doorstep.”

  • Girl (noun)

    A roebuck two years old.

  • Girl (noun)

    Cocaine, especially in powder form.

  • Girl (verb)

    To feminize or girlify.


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