Apoplectic vs. Apocalyptic

By Jaxson

  • Apoplectic (adjective)

    Of, or relating to apoplexy.

  • Apoplectic (adjective)

    Marked by extreme anger or fury.

  • Apoplectic (adjective)

    Effused with blood.

  • Apoplectic (noun)

    A person suffering from apoplexy.

  • Apocalyptic (adjective)

    Of or relating to an apocalypse:

  • Apocalyptic (adjective)

    Of or relating to an apocalypse a revelation, revelatory; prophetic.

  • Apocalyptic (adjective)

    Portending a future apocalypse (disaster, devastation, or doom).

  • Apocalyptic (adjective)

    Eggcorn of apoplectic.

    “He was apocalyptically furious.”

  • Apocalyptic (noun)

    One who predicts apocalypse.

  • Apoplectic (adjective)

    overcome with anger; furious

    “Mark was apoplectic with rage at the decision”

  • Apoplectic (adjective)

    relating to or denoting apoplexy (stroke)

    “an apoplectic attack”

  • Apocalyptic (adjective)

    describing or prophesying the complete destruction of the world

    “the apocalyptic visions of ecologists”

  • Apocalyptic (adjective)

    momentous or catastrophic

    “the struggle between the two countries is assuming apocalyptic proportions”

  • Apocalyptic (adjective)

    of or resembling the biblical Apocalypse

    “apocalyptic imagery”

Oxford Dictionary

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