Analytic vs. Analytical

By Jaxson

  • Analytic (adjective)

    Of, or relating to any form of analysis, or to analytics.

  • Analytic (adjective)

    Of, or relating to division into elements or principles.

  • Analytic (adjective)

    Having the ability to analyse.

  • Analytic (adjective)

    that follows necessarily; tautologous.

  • Analytic (adjective)

    Of, or relating to algebra or a similar method of analysis.

  • Analytic (adjective)

    Being defined in terms of objects of differential calculus such as derivatives.

  • Analytic (adjective)

    Holomorphic; complex-differentiable.

  • Analytic (adjective)

    Of a language, having a grammar principally dependent on the arrangement of uninflected words within sentences to indicate meaning. Compare synthetic.

  • Analytical (adjective)

    Of or pertaining to analysis; resolving into elements or constituent parts

    “an analytical experiment”

  • Analytical (adjective)

    Using analytic reasoning as opposed to synthetic.

    “an analytical mind”


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