Amphora vs. Bottle

By Jaxson

Main Difference

The main difference between Amphora and Bottle is that the Amphora is a type of storage container and Bottle is a container of liquids

  • Amphora

    An amphora (; Ancient Greek: ἀμφορεύς, amphoreús; English plural: amphorae or amphoras) is a type of container with a pointed bottom and characteristic shape and size which fit tightly (and therefore safely) against each other in storage rooms and packages, tied together with rope and delivered by land or sea. The size and shape have been determined from at least as early as the Neolithic Period. Amphorae were used in vast numbers for the transport and storage of various products, both liquid and dry, but mostly for wine. They are most often ceramic, but examples in metals and other materials have been found. Versions of the amphorae were one of many shapes used in Ancient Greek vase painting.

    The amphora complements a vase, the pithos, which makes available capacities between one-half and two and one-half tons. In contrast, the amphora holds under a half-ton, typically less than 50 kilograms (110 lb). The bodies of the two types have similar shapes. Where the pithos may have multiple small loops or lugs for fastening a rope harness, the amphora has two expansive handles joining the shoulder of the body and a long neck. The necks of pithoi are wide for scooping or bucket access. The necks of amphorae are narrow for pouring by a person holding it by the bottom and a handle. Some variants exist. The handles might not be present. The size may require two or three handlers to lift. For the most part, however, an amphora was tableware, or sat close to the table, was intended to be seen, and was finely decorated as such by master painters.

    Stoppers of perishable materials, which have rarely survived, were used to seal the contents. Two principal types of amphorae existed: the neck amphora, in which the neck and body meet at a sharp angle; and the one-piece amphora, in which the neck and body form a continuous curve upwards. Neck amphorae were commonly used in the early history of ancient Greece, but were gradually replaced by the one-piece type from around the 7th century BC onward.

    Most were produced with a pointed base to allow upright storage by embedding in soft ground, such as sand. The base facilitated transport by ship, where the amphorae were packed upright or on their sides in as many as five staggered layers. If upright, the bases probably were held by some sort of rack, and ropes passed through their handles to prevent shifting or toppling during rough seas. Heather and reeds might be used as packing around the vases. Racks could be used in kitchens and shops. The base also concentrated deposits from liquids with suspended solid particles, such as olive oil and wines.

    Amphorae are of great use to maritime archaeologists, as they often indicate the age of a shipwreck and the geographic origin of the cargo. They are occasionally so well preserved that the original content is still present, providing information on foodstuffs and mercantile systems. Amphorae were too cheap and plentiful to return to their origin-point and so, when empty, they were broken up at their destination. At a breakage site in Rome, Testaccio, close to the Tiber, the fragments, later wetted with calcium hydroxide (calce viva), remained to create a hill now named Monte Testaccio, 45 m (148 ft) high and more than 1 kilometre in circumference.

  • Bottle

    A bottle is a narrow-necked container made of an impermeable material (clay, glass, plastic, aluminium etc.) in various shapes and sizes to store and transport liquids (water, milk, beer, wine, ink, cooking oil, medicine, soft drinks, shampoo, and chemicals, etc.) and whose mouth at the bottling line can be sealed with an internal stopper, an external bottle cap, a closure, or a conductive “inner seal” using induction sealing.

    Some of the earliest bottles appeared in China, Phoenicia, Crete, and Rome.

  • Amphora (noun)

    A two-handled jar with a narrow neck that was used in ancient times to store or carry wine or oil.

  • Amphora (noun)

    One of various units for measuring liquid or volume during the Roman Empire, measuring between 18.5 and 39 litres depending on the variant.

  • Amphora (noun)

    Ancient unit of volume, for the measurement of the internal capacity of a ship.

  • Amphora (noun)

    In botany, the lower valve of the fruit that opens transversely.

  • Bottle (noun)

    A container, typically made of glass or plastic and having a tapered neck, used primarily for holding liquids.

    “Beer is often sold in bottles.”

  • Bottle (noun)

    The contents of such a container.

    “I only drank a bottle of beer.”

  • Bottle (noun)

    A container with a rubber nipple used for giving liquids to infants, a baby bottle.

    “The baby wants a bottle.”

  • Bottle (noun)

    Nerve, courage.

    “You don’t have the bottle to do that!”

    “He was going to ask her out, but he lost his bottle when he saw her.”

  • Bottle (noun)

    A container of hair dye, hence with one’s hair color produced by dyeing.

    “Did you know he’s a bottle brunette? His natural hair color is strawberry blonde.”

  • Bottle (noun)

    A bundle, especially of hay; something tied in a bundle.

  • Bottle (noun)

    Intoxicating liquor; alcohol.

    “to drown one’s troubles in the bottle”

    “to hit the bottle”

    “Tracy Chapman, “Fast Car” (song): See, my old man’s got a problem. He liveSIC with the bottle; that’s the way it is.”

  • Bottle (noun)

    the tendency of pages printed several on a sheet to rotate slightly when the sheet is folded two or more times.

  • Bottle (noun)

    A dwelling; habitation.

  • Bottle (noun)

    A building; house.

  • Bottle (verb)

    To seal (a liquid) into a bottle for later consumption. Also fig.

    “This plant bottles vast quantities of spring water every day.”

  • Bottle (verb)

    To feed (an infant) baby formula.

    “Because of complications she can’t breast feed her baby and so she bottles him.”

  • Bottle (verb)

    To refrain from doing (something) at the last moment because of a sudden loss of courage.

    “The rider bottled the big jump.”

  • Bottle (verb)

    To strike (someone) with a bottle.

    “He was bottled at a nightclub and had to have facial surgery.”

  • Bottle (verb)

    To pelt (a musical act on stage, etc.) with bottles as a sign of disapproval.

    “Meat Loaf was once bottled at Reading Festival.”


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