Amenity vs. Service

By Jaxson

  • Amenity

    In real estate and lodging, an amenity is something considered to benefit a property and thereby increase its value. Tangible amenities can include the number and nature of guest rooms and the provision of facilities such as elevators (lifts), wi-fi, restaurants, parks, communal areas, swimming pools, golf courses, health club facilities, party rooms, theater or media rooms, bike paths or garages, while intangible amenities can include aspects such as well-integrated public transport, pleasant views, nearby activities and a low crime rate. Within the context of environmental economics, an environmental amenity can include access to clean air or clean water, or the quality of any other environmental good that may reduce adverse health effects for residents or increase their economic welfare.

  • Amenity (noun)


    “We especially enjoyed the amenity of the climate on our last holiday.”

  • Amenity (noun)

    A thing or circumstance that is welcome and makes life a little easier or more pleasant.

    “All the little amenities the hotel provided made our stay very enjoyable.”

  • Amenity (noun)


  • Amenity (noun)

    a unit pertaining to the infrastructure of a community, such as a public toilet, a postbox, a library etc.

  • Service (noun)

    An act of being of assistance to someone.

    “I say I did him a service by ending our relationship – now he can freely pursue his career.”

  • Service (noun)

    The practice of providing such a service as economic activity.

    “Hair care is a service industry.”

  • Service (noun)

    A department in a company, an organization, a government department, etc.

  • Service (noun)

    A function that is provided by one program or machine for another.

    “This machine provides the name service for the LAN.”

  • Service (noun)

    The state of being subordinate to or employed by an individual or group

    “Lancelot was at the service of King Arthur.”

  • Service (noun)

    The military.

    “I did three years in the service before coming here.”

  • Service (noun)

    A set of dishes or utensils.

    “She brought out the silver tea service.”

  • Service (noun)

    The act of initially starting, or serving, the ball in play in tennis, volleyball, and other games.

    “The player had four service faults in the set.”

  • Service (noun)

    A religious rite or ritual.

    “The funeral service was touching.”

  • Service (noun)

    The serving, or delivery, of a summons or writ.

    “The service happened yesterday.”

  • Service (noun)

    A taxi shared among unrelated passengers, each of whom pays part of the fare; often, it has a fixed route between cities.

  • Service (noun)

    A musical composition for use in churches.

  • Service (noun)

    Profession of respect; acknowledgment of duty owed.

  • Service (noun)

    The materials used for serving a rope, etc., such as spun yarn and small lines.

  • Service (verb)

    To serve.

    “They service the customer base.”

  • Service (verb)

    To perform maintenance.

    “He is going to service the car.”

  • Service (verb)

    To inseminate through sexual intercourse

  • Service (verb)

    To perform a sexual act.

    “He was going to service her.”

  • Amenity (noun)

    a desirable or useful feature or facility of a building or place

    “the property is situated in a convenient location, close to all local amenities”

  • Amenity (noun)

    the pleasantness or attractiveness of a place

    “developments which would clash with amenity”

  • Service (noun)

    the action of helping or doing work for someone

    “millions are involved in voluntary service”

  • Service (noun)

    an act of assistance

    “he has done us a great service”

    “he volunteered his services as a driver”

  • Service (noun)

    assistance or advice given to customers during and after the sale of goods

    “they aim to provide better quality of service”

  • Service (noun)

    the action of serving food and drinks to customers

    “they complained of poor bar service”

  • Service (noun)

    short for service charge

    “service is included in the final bill”

  • Service (noun)

    a period of employment with a company or organization

    “he retired after 40 years’ service”

  • Service (noun)

    employment as a servant

    “the pitifully low wages gained from domestic service”

  • Service (noun)

    the use which can be made of a machine

    “the computer should provide good service for years”

  • Service (noun)

    a system supplying a public need such as transport, communications, or utilities such as electricity and water

    “a regular bus service”

  • Service (noun)

    a public department or organization run by the state

    “the probation service”

  • Service (noun)

    the armed forces

    “service personnel”

  • Service (noun)

    an area with parking beside a major road supplying petrol, refreshments, and other amenities to motorists.

  • Service (noun)

    a ceremony of religious worship according to a prescribed form

    “a funeral service”

  • Service (noun)

    a periodic routine inspection and maintenance of a vehicle or other machine

    “he took his car in for a service”

  • Service (noun)

    a set of matching crockery used for serving a particular meal

    “a dinner service”

  • Service (noun)

    (in tennis and other racket sports) the action or right of serving to begin play.

  • Service (noun)

    a serve.

  • Service (noun)

    the formal delivery of a document such as a writ or summons.

  • Service (verb)

    perform routine maintenance or repair work on (a vehicle or machine)

    “ensure that gas appliances are serviced regularly”

  • Service (verb)

    supply and maintain systems for public utilities and transport and communications in (an area)

    “the village is small and well serviced”

  • Service (verb)

    perform a service or services for (someone)

    “her life is devoted to servicing others”

  • Service (verb)

    pay interest on (a debt)

    “taxpayers are paying $250 million just to service that debt”

  • Service (verb)

    (of a male animal) mate with (a female animal)

    “one dog could presumably service several bitches in a day”

  • Service (verb)

    have sexual intercourse with or give sexual gratification to (someone).

Oxford Dictionary

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