Agnostic vs. Apatheism

By Jaxson

  • Apatheism

    Apatheism (; a portmanteau of apathy and theism) is the attitude of apathy towards the existence or non-existence of God(s). It is more of an attitude rather than a belief, claim, or belief system. The term was coined by Robert Nash in 2001.An apatheist is someone who is not interested in accepting or rejecting any claims that gods exist or do not exist. The existence of a god or gods is not rejected, but may be designated irrelevant. One of the first recorded apatheists was arguably Denis Diderot (1713 – 1784), who wrote: “It is very important not to mistake hemlock for parsley, but to believe or not believe in God is not important at all.”

    Scientist and philosopher Ian von Hegner has argued that apatheism is an alternative to positions such as theism, atheism, and agnosticism, with implications that have been overlooked in modern philosophical discussions. Philosopher Trevor Hedberg has called apatheism “uncharted territory in the philosophy of religion.” Political theorist and constitutional law scholar, Adam Scott Kunz, has further defined apatheism as “the philosophical attitude of indifference, both public and private, to (1) the question of the existence of a deity, (2) the metaphysical and practical value of loyalty to that deity, and/or (3) the interaction of that deity with the natural world.”

  • Agnostic (adjective)

    Of or relating to agnosticism or its adherents.

    “His agnostic viewpoint is summarized in his book.”

  • Agnostic (adjective)

    Doubtful or uncertain about the existence or demonstrability of God or other deity.

    “She left the church when she became agnostic.”

  • Agnostic (adjective)

    Of a software polymorphic; modular; pluggable

    “The socket communications layer is agnostic with regard to its underlying transport mechanism — it is “transport-agnostic”.”

  • Agnostic (adjective)

    Having no firmly held opinions on an issue or matter of uncertainty.

    “I’m agnostic on whether ethanol is a green fuel.”

    “He says he’s agnostic concerning the Secretary’s claims.”

  • Agnostic (noun)

    A person who holds to a form of agnosticism, especially uncertainty of the existence of a deity.

  • Apatheism (noun)

    Apathy towards the existence of a god; belief that the question of the existence of a god is unimportant.



  • Agnostic (noun)

    a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God.

  • Agnostic (adjective)

    relating to agnostics or agnosticism.

  • Agnostic (adjective)

    (in a non-religious context) having a doubtful or non-committal attitude towards something

    “until now I’ve been fairly agnostic about electoral reform”

  • Agnostic (adjective)

    denoting or relating to hardware or software that is compatible with many types of platform or operating system

    “many common file formats (JPEG, MP3, etc.) are platform-agnostic”

    “our industry is moving towards a device-agnostic model”

Oxford Dictionary

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