Main Difference
The main difference between Adultery and Infidelity is that the Adultery is a type of extramarital sex and Infidelity is a cheating, adultery, or having an affair.
Adultery (from Latin adulterium) is extramarital sex that is considered objectionable on social, religious, moral, or legal grounds. Although the sexual activities that constitute adultery vary, as well as the social, religious, and legal consequences, the concept exists in many cultures and is similar in Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. A single act of sexual intercourse is generally sufficient to constitute adultery, and a more long-term sexual relationship is sometimes referred to as an affair.
Historically, many cultures have considered adultery to be a very serious crime. Adultery often incurred severe punishment, usually for the woman and sometimes for the man, with penalties including capital punishment, mutilation, or torture. Such punishments have gradually fallen into disfavor, especially in Western countries from the 19th century. In most Western countries, adultery itself is no longer a criminal offense, but may still have legal consequences, particularly in divorce cases. For example, in fault-based family law jurisdictions, adultery almost always constitutes a ground for divorce and may be a factor in property settlement, the custody of children, the denial of alimony, etc. Adultery is not a ground for divorce in jurisdictions which have adopted a no-fault divorce model. In some societies and among certain religious adherents, adultery may affect the social status of those involved, and may result in social ostracism.
In countries where adultery is a criminal offense, punishments range from fines to caning and even capital punishment. Since the 20th century, criminal laws against adultery have become controversial, with international organizations calling for their abolition, especially in the light of several high-profile stoning cases that have occurred in some countries. The head of the United Nations expert body charged with identifying ways to eliminate laws that discriminate against women or are discriminatory to them in terms of implementation or impact, Kamala Chandrakirana, has stated that: “Adultery must not be classified as a criminal offence at all”. A joint statement by the United Nations Working Group on discrimination against women in law and in practice states that: “Adultery as a criminal offence violates women’s human rights”.In Muslim countries that follow Sharia law for criminal justice, the punishment for adultery may be stoning. There are fifteen countries in which stoning is authorized as lawful punishment, though in recent times it has been legally carried out only in Iran and Somalia. Most countries that criminalize adultery are those where the dominant religion is Islam, and several Sub-Saharan African Christian-majority countries, but there are some notable exceptions to this rule, namely Philippines, Taiwan, and several U.S. states. In some jurisdictions, having sexual relations with the king’s wife or the wife of his eldest son constitutes treason. By analogy, in cultures which value and normally practice exclusive interpersonal relationships, sexual relations with a person outside the relationship may also be described as infidelity or cheating, and is subject to sanction.
Infidelity (synonyms include: cheating, straying, adultery (when married), being unfaithful, or having an affair) is a violation of a couple’s assumed or stated contract regarding emotional and/or sexual exclusivity. Other scholars define infidelity as a violation according to the subjective feeling that one’s partner has violated a set of rules or relationship norms; this violation results in feelings of jealousy, sexual jealousy, and rivalry.What constitutes an act of infidelity depends upon the exclusivity expectations within the relationship. In marital relationships, exclusivity expectations are commonly assumed, although they are not always met. When they are not met, research has found that psychological damage can occur, including feelings of rage and betrayal, lowering of sexual and personal confidence, and damage to self-image. Depending on the context, men and women can experience social consequences if their act of infidelity becomes public. The form and extent of these consequences are often dependent on the gender of the unfaithful person.
One measure of infidelity among couples is the frequency of children secretly conceived with a different partner, leading to “non-paternities”. Such covertly illegitimate children amount to about 1–2% of newborns in studied populations.
Adultery (noun)
Sexual intercourse by a married person with someone other than their spouse.
“She engaged in adultery because her spouse has a low libido, while hers is very high.”
Adultery (noun)
Lewdness or unchastity of thought as well as act, as forbidden by the seventh commandment.
Adultery (noun)
Faithlessness in religion.
Adultery (noun)
The fine and penalty formerly imposed for the offence of adultery.
Adultery (noun)
The intrusion of a person into a bishopric during the life of the bishop.
Adultery (noun)
Adulteration; corruption.
Adultery (noun)
Injury; degradation; ruin.
Adultery (noun)
378: [https://books.google.com/books?id=Y1tdAAAAcAAJ&pg=PA388&lpg=PA388&dq=%22You+might+wrest+the+caduceus+out+of+my+hand+to+the+adultery+and+spoil+of+nature%22&source=bl&ots=aBkPH2GlRn&sig=OHWniy8gj5IvTET4_2RwhlwZ1TA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiWk8Pzj9zfAhVCnOAKHQGbCcQQ6AEwAnoECAgQAQ#v=onepage&q=%22You%20might%20wrest%20the%20caduceus%20out%20of%20my%20hand%20to%20the%20adultery%20and%20spoil%20of%20nature%22&f=false]
Infidelity (noun)
Unfaithfulness in a marriage or an intimate relationship: practice or instance of having a sexual or romantic affair with someone other than one’s spouse, without the consent of the spouse.
Infidelity (noun)
Unfaithfulness in some other moral obligation.
Infidelity (noun)
Lack of religious belief.