Adapt vs. Adjust

By Jaxson

  • Adapt (verb)

    To make suitable; to make to correspond; to fit or suit


  • Adapt (verb)

    To fit by alteration; to modify or remodel for a different purpose; to adjust

    “to adapt a story for the stage”

    “to adapt an old machine to a new manufacture”

  • Adapt (verb)

    To make by altering or fitting something else; to produce by change of form or character

    “to bring out a play adapted from the French”

    “a word of an adapted form”

  • Adapt (verb)

    To change oneself so as to be adapted.

    “They could not adapt to the new climate and so perished.”

  • Adapt (adjective)

    Adapted; fit; suited; suitable.

  • Adjust (verb)

    To modify.

    “Morimoto’s recipes are adjusted to suit the American palate.”

  • Adjust (verb)

    To improve or rectify.

    “He adjusted his initial conclusion to reflect the new data.”

  • Adjust (verb)

    To settle an insurance claim.

  • Adjust (verb)

    To change to fit circumstances.

    “Most immigrants adjust quickly to a new community.”

    “She waited for her eyes to adjust to the darkness.”


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