Main Difference
The main difference between Accountant and Treasurer is that the Accountant is a practitioner of accountancy or accounting and Treasurer is a person responsible for running the treasury of an organization
An accountant is a practitioner of accounting or accountancy, which is the measurement, disclosure or provision of assurance about financial information that helps managers, investors, tax authorities and others make decisions about allocating resource(s).
In many jurisdictions, professional accounting bodies maintain standards of practice and evaluations for professionals. Accountants who have demonstrated competency through their professional associations’ certification exams are certified to use titles such as Chartered Accountant, Chartered Certified Accountant or Certified Public Accountant. Such professionals are granted certain responsibilities by statute, such as the ability to certify an organization’s financial statements, and may be held liable for professional misconduct. Non-qualified accountants may be employed by a qualified accountant, or may work independently without statutory privileges and obligations.
Cahan & Sun (2015) used archival study to find out that accountants’ personal characteristics may exert a very significant impact during the audit process and further influence audit fees and audit quality.
The Big Four auditors are the largest employers of accountants worldwide. However, most accountants are employed in commerce, industry, and the public sector.
A treasurer is the person responsible for running the treasury of an organization. The adjective for a treasurer is normally “tresorial.” The adjective “treasurial” normally means pertaining to a treasury, rather than the treasurer.
Accountant (noun)
One who renders account; one accountable.
Accountant (noun)
A reckoner, or someone who maintains financial matters for a person(s).
Accountant (noun)
One who is skilled in, keeps, or adjusts, accounts; an officer in a public office, who has charge of the accounts.
Accountant (noun)
One whose profession includes organizing, maintaining and auditing the records of another. The records are usually, but not always, financial records.
Accountant (adjective)
Treasurer (noun)
The government official in charge of the Treasury.
Treasurer (noun)
The head of a corporation’s treasury department.
Treasurer (noun)
The official entrusted with the funds and revenues of an organization such as a club.