Abstract vs. Summary

By Jaxson

  • Abstract (noun)

    An abridgement or summary of a longer publication. First attested around 1350 to 1470.page=10

  • Abstract (noun)

    Something that concentrates in itself the qualities of a larger item, or multiple items. First attested in the mid 16th century.

  • Abstract (noun)

    Concentrated essence of a product.

  • Abstract (noun)

    An abstract term; that which is abstract. First attested in the mid 16th century.

  • Abstract (noun)

    The theoretical way of looking at things; something that exists only in idealized form. First attested in the early 17th century.

  • Abstract (noun)

    An abstract work of art. First attested in the early 20th century.

  • Abstract (noun)

    A summary title of the key points detailing a tract of land, for ownership; abstract of title.

  • Abstract (adjective)

    Derived; extracted. Attested from around 1350 to 1470 until the late 15th century.

  • Abstract (adjective)

    Drawn away; removed from; apart from; separate. First attested around 1350 to 1470.

  • Abstract (adjective)

    Expressing a property or attribute separately of an object that is considered to be inherent to that object. First attested around 1350 to 1470.

  • Abstract (adjective)

    Considered apart from any application to a particular object; not concrete; ideal; non-specific; general, as opposed to specific. First attested around 1350 to 1470.

  • Abstract (adjective)

    Difficult to understand; abstruse; hard to conceptualize. First attested around 1350 to 1470.

  • Abstract (adjective)

    Absent-minded. First attested in the early 16th century.

  • Abstract (adjective)

    Pertaining to the formal aspect of art, such as the lines, colors, shapes, and the relationships among them. First attested in the mid 19th century.

  • Abstract (adjective)

    Free from representational qualities, in particular the non-representational styles of the 20th century. First attested in the mid 19th century.

  • Abstract (adjective)


  • Abstract (adjective)

    Insufficiently factual.page=8

  • Abstract (adjective)

    Apart from practice or reality; vague; theoretical; impersonal; not applied.

  • Abstract (adjective)

    As a noun, denoting an intangible as opposed to an object, place, or person.

  • Abstract (adjective)

    Of a class in object-oriented programming, being a partial basis for subclasses rather than a complete template for objects.

  • Abstract (verb)

    To separate; to disengage. First attested around 1350 to 1470.

  • Abstract (verb)

    To remove; to take away; withdraw. First attested in the late 15th century.

  • Abstract (verb)

    To steal; to take away; to remove without permission. First attested in the late 15th century.

  • Abstract (verb)

    To summarize; to abridge; to epitomize. First attested in the late 16th century.

  • Abstract (verb)

    To extract by means of distillation. Attested from the early 17th century until the early 18th century.

  • Abstract (verb)

    To consider abstractly; to contemplate separately or by itself; to consider theoretically; to look at as a general quality. First attested in the early 17th century.

  • Abstract (verb)

    To withdraw oneself; to retire. First attested in the mid 17th century.

  • Abstract (verb)

    To draw off (interest or attention).

    “He was wholly abstracted by other objects.”

  • Abstract (verb)

    To perform the process of abstraction.

  • Abstract (verb)

    To create abstractions.

  • Abstract (verb)

    To produce an abstraction, usually by refactoring existing code. Generally used with “out”.

    “He abstracted out the square root function.”

  • Summary (adjective)

    Concise, brief or presented in a condensed form

    “A summary review is in the appendix.”

  • Summary (adjective)

    Performed speedily and without formal ceremony.

    “They used summary executions to break the resistance of the people.”

  • Summary (adjective)

    Performed by cutting the procedures of a standard and fair trial.

    “Summary justice is bad justice.”

  • Summary (noun)

    An abstract or a condensed presentation of the substance of a body of material.


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