Conversion vs. Inversion

By Jaxson

  • Conversion (noun)

    The act of converting something or someone.

    “His conversion to Christianity”

    “The conversion of the database from ASCII to Unicode”

  • Conversion (noun)

    A software product converted from one platform to another.

  • Conversion (noun)

    A chemical reaction wherein a substrate is transformed into a product.

  • Conversion (noun)

    A free kick, after scoring a try, worth two points.

  • Conversion (noun)

    An extra point (or two) scored by kicking a field goal or carrying the ball into the end zone after scoring a touchdown.

  • Conversion (noun)

    An online advertising performance metric representing a visitor performing whatever the intended result of an ad is defined to be.

  • Conversion (noun)

    Under the common law, the tort of the taking of someone’s personal property with intent to permanently deprive them of it, or damaging property to the extent that the owner is deprived of the utility of that property, thus making the tortfeasor liable for the entire value of the property.

    “the conversion of a horse”

  • Conversion (noun)

    The process whereby a new word is created without changing the form, often by allowing the word to function as a new part of speech.


  • Conversion (noun)

    The act of turning round; revolution; rotation.

  • Conversion (noun)

    The act of interchanging the terms of a proposition, as by putting the subject in the place of the predicate, or vice versa.

  • Conversion (noun)

    A change or reduction of the form or value of a proposition.

    “the conversion of equations; the conversion of proportions”

  • Inversion (noun)

    The action of inverting.

  • Inversion (noun)

    Being upside down, in an inverted state.

  • Inversion (noun)

    Being in a reverse sequence, in an inverted state.

  • Inversion (noun)

    a segment of DNA in the context of a chromosome that is reversed in orientation relative to a reference karyotype or genome

  • Inversion (noun)

    An increase of air temperature with increase in altitude (the ground being colder than the surrounding air). When an inversion exists, there are no convection currents and wind speeds are below 5 knots. The atmosphere is stable and normally is considered the most favorable state for ground release of chemical agents.

  • Inversion (noun)

    Deviation from standard word order by putting the predicate before the subject. It takes place in questions with auxiliary verbs and in normal, affirmative clauses beginning with a negative particle, for the purpose of emphasis.

    “(with an auxiliary verb) Inversion takes place in the sentence ‘Is she here?’ — ‘is’, the predicate, is before ‘she’, the subject.”

    “(for the purpose of emphasis) Inversion takes place in the sentence ‘Never have I done that.’ — ‘have’, the predicate, is before ‘I’, the subject, due to ‘never’ being the first word of the sentence.”

  • Inversion (noun)

    An operation on a group, analogous to negation.

  • Inversion (noun)

    Homosexuality, particularly in early psychoanalysis.

  • Conversion (noun)

    the process of changing or causing something to change from one form to another

    “the conversion of food into body tissues”

  • Conversion (noun)

    the adaptation of a building or part of a building for a new use

    “they were carrying out a loft conversion”

    “the conversion of a house into flats”

  • Conversion (noun)

    a building that has been adapted for a new use

    “high-quality cottages and barn conversions”

  • Conversion (noun)

    the changing of real property into personalty, or of joint into separate property, or vice versa.

  • Conversion (noun)

    the transposition of the subject and predicate of a proposition according to certain rules to form a new proposition by inference.

  • Conversion (noun)

    the fact of changing one’s religion or beliefs or the action of persuading someone else to change theirs

    “his passion for seventeenth-century literature had led the former atheist to a sudden conversion”

    “he insists that real conversion is a matter of the heart”

  • Conversion (noun)

    repentance and change to a godly life

    “the individual’s responsibility in conversion is to repent and believe”

  • Conversion (noun)

    a successful kick at goal after a try, scoring two points

    “Gavin Hastings landed one penalty and one conversion”

  • Conversion (noun)

    an act of converting a touchdown or a down.

  • Conversion (noun)

    (in the context of online marketing) the proportion of people viewing an advertisement and going on to buy the product, click on a link, etc.

    “you’ll see better conversion rates for your local advertising if you include your physical address on your website”

    “keeping things simple will improve conversion”

  • Conversion (noun)

    the action of wrongfully dealing with goods in a manner inconsistent with the owner’s rights

    “he was found guilty of the fraudulent conversion of clients’ monies”

  • Conversion (noun)

    the manifestation of a mental disturbance as a physical disorder or disease

    “conversion disorders”

  • Inversion (noun)

    the action of inverting something or the state of being inverted

    “the inversion of the normal domestic arrangement”

    “an inversion of traditional customer–supplier relationships”

  • Inversion (noun)

    reversal of the normal order of words, typically for rhetorical effect but also found in the regular formation of questions in English.

  • Inversion (noun)

    the process of inverting an interval, chord, or phrase.

  • Inversion (noun)

    an inverted interval, chord, or phrase.

  • Inversion (noun)

    a transposition in the relative numbers of atoms, molecules, etc. occupying particular energy levels.

  • Inversion (noun)

    a reaction causing a change from one optically active configuration to the opposite configuration, especially the hydrolysis of dextrose to give a laevorotatory solution of fructose and glucose.

  • Inversion (noun)

    a reversal of the normal decrease of air temperature with altitude, or of water temperature with depth.

  • Inversion (noun)

    a layer of the atmosphere in which temperature increases with height.

  • Inversion (noun)

    the process of finding a quantity, function, etc. from a given one such that the product of the two under a particular operation is the identity.

  • Inversion (noun)

    the interchanging of numerator and denominator of a fraction, or antecedent and consequent of a ratio.

  • Inversion (noun)

    the process of finding the expression which gives a given expression under a given transformation.

  • Inversion (noun)

    a transformation in which each point of a given figure is replaced by another point on the same straight line from a fixed point, especially in such a way that the product of the distances of the two points from the centre of inversion is constant.

  • Inversion (noun)

    the action or practice of relocating a multinational company’s legal residence to a jurisdiction where taxes are levied at a lower rate

    “since the company maintains a franchisee model, it is a viable target for inversion”

    “administration officials admit that their new effort to deter corporate inversions won’t actually stop the practice”

  • Inversion (noun)


Oxford Dictionary

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