Main Difference
The main difference between Wellcome and Welcome is that the Wellcome is a company and Welcome is a greeting.
Wellcome (Chinese: 惠康; Cantonese: Wai Hong in Hong Kong; Chinese: 頂好; pinyin: Dǐnghǎo in Taiwan) is a supermarket chain owned by Jardine Matheson Holdings via its Dairy Farm International Holdings subsidiary. The Wellcome supermarket chain is one of the two largest supermarket chains in Hong Kong, the other being PARKnSHOP. Wellcome also operates supermarkets in Taiwan and the Philippines under the Wellcome name. The parent company, Dairy Farm, also has other supermarket interests in the Asia Pacific under different brand names.
A welcome is a kind of greeting designed to introduce a person to a new place or situation, and to make them feel at ease. The term can similarly be used to describe the feeling of being accepted on the part of the new person.
In some contexts, a welcome is extended to a stranger to an area or a household. “The concept of welcoming the stranger means intentionally building into the interaction those factors that make others feel that they belong, that they matter, and that you want to get to know them”. It is also noted, however, that “[i]n many community settings, being welcoming is viewed as in conflict with ensuring safety. Thus, welcoming becomes somewhat self-limited: ‘We will be welcoming unless you do something unsafe'”. Different cultures have their own traditional forms of welcome, and a variety of different practices can go into an effort to welcome:
Making a welcome is not a physical fabrication, though welcome may be embodied and fostered by appropriate physical arrangements. There can be an aesthetics of welcome. What is there when one makes a welcome? No thing really, and yet more than any thing. When one makes a welcome one creates the conditions that promise of home. One makes it possible for the other not any longer to feel outside or out of it, but to feel at home.
Indications that visitors are welcome can occur at different levels. For example, a welcome sign, at the national, state, or municipal level, is a road sign at the border of a region that introduces or welcomes visitors to the region. A welcome sign might also be present for a specific community, or an individual building. One architect suggests that “[a] primary distinction between a gateway and a Welcome sign is that the gateway is usually designed and built by an outsider, a developer or architect, while the Welcome sign has been designed and built by an inside member of the community”. A welcome mat is a doormat that welcomes visitors to a house or other building by providing them with a place to wipe their feet before entering.
Another community tradition, the welcome wagon, a phrase that originally referred to an actual wagon containing a collection of useful gifts collected from residents of an area to welcome new people moving to that area.
Wellcome (adjective)
obsolete spelling of welcome
Wellcome (noun)
obsolete spelling of welcome
Wellcome (verb)
obsolete spelling of welcome
Welcome (adjective)
Whose arrival is a cause of joy; received with gladness; admitted willingly to the house, entertainment, or company.
“a welcome visitor”
“Refugees welcome in London!”
Welcome (adjective)
Producing gladness.
“a welcome present;”
“welcome news”
Welcome (adjective)
Free to have or enjoy gratuitously.
“You are welcome to the use of my library.”
Welcome (interjection)
Greeting given upon someone’s arrival.
Welcome (interjection)
Shortening of you’re welcome.
Welcome (noun)
The act of greeting someone’s arrival, especially by saying “Welcome!”; reception.
Welcome (noun)
The utterance of such a greeting.
Welcome (noun)
Kind reception of a guest or newcomer.
“We entered the house and found a ready welcome.”
Welcome (noun)
The state of being a welcome guest.
“wear out one’s welcome”
Welcome (verb)
To affirm or greet the arrival of someone, especially by saying “Welcome!”.
Welcome (verb)
To accept something willingly or gladly.
“We welcome suggestions for improvement.”
Welcome (noun)
an instance or manner of greeting someone
“you will receive a warm welcome”
“he went to meet them with his hand stretched out in welcome”
Welcome (noun)
a pleased or approving reaction
“the announcement received an immediate welcome from childcare agencies”
Welcome (interjection)
used to greet someone in a polite or friendly way
“welcome to the Wildlife Park”
Welcome (verb)
greet (someone arriving) in a polite or friendly way
“hotels should welcome guests in their own language”
Welcome (verb)
be glad to entertain (someone) or receive (something)
“we welcome any comments”
Welcome (verb)
react with pleasure or approval to (an event or development)
“the bank’s decision to cut its rates was widely welcomed”
Welcome (adjective)
(of a guest or new arrival) gladly received
“I’m pleased to see you, lad—you’re welcome”
Welcome (adjective)
very pleasing because much needed or desired
“the news will be most welcome to those whose jobs will now be safeguarded”
“after your walk, the tea room serves a welcome cuppa”
Welcome (adjective)
allowed or invited to do a specified thing
“we arrange a framework of activities which you are welcome to join”
Welcome (adjective)
used to indicate relief at relinquishing the control or possession of something to someone else
“the job is all yours and you’re welcome to it!”