Wager vs. Bet

By Jaxson

  • Wager (noun)

    Something deposited, laid, or hazarded on the event of a contest or an unsettled question; a bet; a stake; a pledge.

  • Wager (noun)

    That on which bets are laid; the subject of a bet.

  • Wager (noun)

    A contract by which two parties or more agree that a certain sum of money, or other thing, shall be paid or delivered to one of them, on the happening or not happening of an uncertain event.

  • Wager (noun)

    An offer to make oath.

  • Wager (noun)

    Agent noun of wage; one who wages.

  • Wager (verb)

    To bet something; to put it up as collateral

    “I’d wager my boots on it.”

  • Wager (verb)

    To dare say.

    “I’ll wager that Johnson knows something about all this.”

  • Bet (noun)

    A wager, an agreement between two parties that a stake (usually money) will be paid by the loser to the winner (the winner being the one who correctly forecast the outcome of an event).

    “Dylan owes Fletcher $30 from an unsuccessful bet.”

  • Bet (noun)

    A degree of certainty.

    “It’s a safe bet that it will rain tomorrow.”

    “It’s an even bet that Jim will come top of the maths test tomorrow.”

  • Bet (noun)

    alternative form of beth

  • Bet (verb)

    To stake or pledge upon the outcome of an event; to wager.

  • Bet (verb)

    To be sure of something; to be able to count on something.

    “You bet!”

  • Bet (verb)

    To place money into the pot in order to require others do the same, usually only used for the first person to place money in the pot on each round.

  • Bet (preposition)


  • Wager (noun)

    more formal term for bet

  • Wager (verb)

    more formal term for bet

  • Bet (verb)

    risk a sum of money or valued item against someone else’s on the basis of the outcome of an unpredictable event such as a race or game

    “he bet on baseball games”

    “I would be prepared to bet that he wanted to leave”

    “most people would bet their life savings on the prospect”

  • Bet (verb)

    risk a sum of money against (someone) on the outcome or likelihood of a future event

    “I bet you £15 you won’t chat her up”

  • Bet (verb)

    used to express certainty

    “I bet this place is really spooky late at night”

    “he’ll be surprised to see me, I’ll bet”

  • Bet (noun)

    an act of betting a sum of money

    “she had a bet on the Derby”

    “for a bet he once rode 200 miles in nine hours”

  • Bet (noun)

    a sum of money staked

    “the bookies are taking bets on his possible successor”

  • Bet (noun)

    a candidate or option offering a specified likelihood of success

    “your best bet is to call the official liquidators”

    “City looked a good bet for victory”

  • Bet (noun)

    one’s opinion about a future event

    “my bet is that Arsenal won’t win anything”

Oxford Dictionary

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