Theme vs. Topic

By Jaxson

  • Theme (noun)

    A subject of a talk or an artistic piece; a topic.

  • Theme (noun)

    A recurring idea; a motif.

  • Theme (noun)

    An essay written for school.

  • Theme (noun)

    The main melody of a piece of music, especially one that is the source of variations.

  • Theme (noun)

    A song, or a snippet of a song, that identifies a film, a TV program, a character, etc. by playing at the appropriate time.

  • Theme (noun)

    The collection of color schemes, sounds, artwork etc., that “skin” an environment towards a particular motif.

  • Theme (noun)

    The stem of a word.

  • Theme (noun)

    thematic relation of a noun phrase to a verb.

  • Theme (noun)

    Theta role in generative grammar and government and binding theory.

  • Theme (noun)

    Topic, what is generally being talked about, as opposed to rheme.

  • Theme (noun)

    A regional unit of organisation in the Byzantine empire.

  • Theme (verb)

    To give a theme to.

    “We themed the birthday party around superheroes.”

  • Theme (verb)

    To apply a theme to; to change the visual appearance and/or layout of (software).

  • Topic (adjective)


  • Topic (noun)

    Subject; theme; a category or general area of interest.

    “A society where a topic cannot be discussed, does not have free speech.”

  • Topic (noun)

    Discussion thread.

  • Topic (noun)

    An argument or reason.

  • Topic (noun)

    An external local application or remedy, such as a plaster, a blister, etc.


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