Suspense vs. Mystery

By Jaxson

  • Suspense

    Suspense is a state of mental uncertainty, anxiety, of being undecided, or of being doubtful. In a dramatic work, suspense is the anticipation of the outcome of a plot or of the solution to an uncertainty, puzzle, or mystery, particularly as it affects a character for whom one has sympathy. However, suspense is not exclusive to fiction.

  • Suspense (noun)

    The condition of being suspended; cessation for a time.

  • Suspense (noun)

    the pleasurable emotion of anticipation and excitement regarding the outcome or climax of a book, film etc.

  • Suspense (noun)

    The unpleasant emotion of anxiety or apprehension in an uncertain situation.

  • Suspense (noun)

    A temporary cessation of one’s right; suspension, as when the rent or other profits of land cease by unity of possession of land and rent.

  • Suspense (adjective)

    Held or lifted up; held or prevented from proceeding.

  • Suspense (adjective)

    Expressing, or proceeding from, suspense or doubt.

  • Mystery (noun)

    Something secret or unexplainable; an unknown. From XIV century.

    “The truth behind the events remains a mystery.”

  • Mystery (noun)

    Someone or something with an obscure or puzzling nature.

    “That man is a mystery.”

  • Mystery (noun)

    A secret or mystical meaning. From XIV century.

  • Mystery (noun)

    A religious truth not understandable by the application of human reason alone (without divine aid). From XIV century.

  • Mystery (noun)

    A sacrament. From XV century.

  • Mystery (noun)

    A secret religious celebration, admission to which was usually through initiation. From XV century.

    “the Eleusinian mysteries”

    “the Mysteries of Mithras”

  • Mystery (noun)

    A particular event or series of events in the life of Christ. From XVII century.

    “The second decade of the Rosary concerns the Sorrowful mysteries, such as the crucifixion and the crowning with thorns.”

  • Mystery (noun)

    A craft, art or trade; specifically a guild of craftsmen.


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