Summary vs. Recap

By Jaxson

  • Summary (adjective)

    Concise, brief or presented in a condensed form

    “A summary review is in the appendix.”

  • Summary (adjective)

    Performed speedily and without formal ceremony.

    “They used summary executions to break the resistance of the people.”

  • Summary (adjective)

    Performed by cutting the procedures of a standard and fair trial.

    “Summary justice is bad justice.”

  • Summary (noun)

    An abstract or a condensed presentation of the substance of a body of material.

  • Recap (verb)

    To seal (something) again with a cap.

  • Recap (verb)

    To replace the worn tread on a tire by gluing a new outer portion. (US English only – Retread in UK English)

  • Recap (verb)

    To recapitulate.

  • Recap (noun)

    A tire that has had new tread glued on.

  • Recap (noun)

    A recapitulation.

  • Recap (noun)

    A leveraged recapitalization accomplished by increasing the debt to equity ratio.


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