Sitting is a basic human resting position. The body weight is supported primarily by the buttocks in contact with the ground or a horizontal object such as a chair seat. The torso is more or less upright. Sitting for much of the day may pose significant health risks, and people who sit regularly for prolonged periods have higher mortality rates than those who do not.The form of kneeling where the thighs are near horizontal and the buttocks sit back on the heels, for example as in Seiza and Vajrasana (yoga), is also often interpreted as sitting.
Siting (verb)
present participle of site
Siting (verb)
misspelling of citing
Siting (verb)
misspelling of sitting
Siting (noun)
The act of finding a site for something.
Sitting (noun)
A period during which one is seated for a specific purpose.
“Due to the sheer volume of guests, we had to have two sittings for the meal.”
“The Queen had three sittings for her portrait.”
Sitting (noun)
A legislative session.
Sitting (noun)
The act (of a bird) of incubating eggs.
Sitting (noun)
A clutch of eggs laid by a brooding bird.
“we have thirty-four chicks from eight sittings of eggs”
Sitting (verb)
present participle of sit
Sitting (adjective)
Executed from a sitting position.
Sitting (adjective)
Occupying a specific official or legal position; incumbent.
Siting (noun)
the action of locating something in a particular place
“decisions concerning the siting of nuclear power plants”
Sitting (noun)
a continuous period of being seated, especially when engaged in a particular activity
“twenty pieces of music is a bit much to take in at one sitting”
Sitting (noun)
a period of time spent as a model for an artist or photographer
“at the end of five forty-minute sittings my portrait was finished”
Sitting (noun)
a scheduled period of time when a number of people are served a meal, especially in a restaurant
“there will be two sittings for Christmas lunch”
Sitting (noun)
a period of time during which a committee or parliament is engaged in its normal business
“all-night sittings of Parliament”
Sitting (noun)
a period of time when a law court holds sessions
“a special sitting of Basildon magistrates”
Sitting (adjective)
in a seated position
“a sitting position”
Sitting (adjective)
(of an animal or bird) not running or flying.
Sitting (adjective)
(of an MP or other elected representative) current; present
“the resignation of the sitting member”
Sitting (adjective)
(of a hen or other bird) settled on eggs for the purpose of incubating them.