Scrap consists of recyclable materials left over from product manufacturing and consumption, such as parts of vehicles, building supplies, and surplus materials. Unlike waste, scrap has monetary value, especially recovered metals, and non-metallic materials are also recovered for recycling.
Scrab (verb)
To scrape or scratch.
Scrab (noun)
A crabapple.
Scrap (noun)
A (small) piece; a fragment; a detached, incomplete portion.
“I found a scrap of cloth to patch the hole.”
Scrap (noun)
Leftover food.
“Give the scraps to the dogs and watch them fight.”
Scrap (noun)
The crisp substance that remains after drying out animal fat.
“pork scraps”
Scrap (noun)
Discarded objects (especially metal) that may be dismantled to recover their constituent materials, junk.scrap [4]
“That car isn’t good for anything but scrap.”
Scrap (noun)
A Hispanic criminal, especially a Mexican or one affiliated with the Norte gang.
Scrap (noun)
A fight, tussle, skirmish.
“We got in a little scrap over who should pay the bill.”
Scrap (verb)
To discard.
Scrap (verb)
To stop working on indefinitely.
Scrap (verb)
To scrapbook; to create scrapbooks.
Scrap (verb)
To dispose of at a scrapyard.
Scrap (verb)
To make into scrap.
Scrap (verb)
to fight
Scrab (verb)
scratch or scrape (something)
“the police desperately scrab for leads”
“with the other hand I scrabbed his face”
Scrab (noun)
an injury or mark caused by scratching
“she had scrabs on her back”
Scrap (noun)
a small piece or amount of something, especially one that is left over after the greater part has been used
“scraps of information”
“I scribbled her address on a scrap of paper”
Scrap (noun)
bits of uneaten food left after a meal
“he filled Sammy’s bowls with fresh water and scraps”
Scrap (noun)
used to emphasize the lack or smallness of something
“there was not a scrap of aggression in him”
“every scrap of green land is up for grabs by development”
Scrap (noun)
a small person or animal, especially one regarded with affection or sympathy
“poor little scrap, she’s too hot in that tight coat”
Scrap (noun)
a particularly small thing of its kind
“she was wearing a short black skirt and a tiny scrap of a top”
Scrap (noun)
discarded metal for reprocessing
“the steamer was eventually sold for scrap”
Scrap (noun)
any waste articles or discarded material
“we’re burning scrap lumber”
“he painted scenes on cardboard shirt boxes and other scrap material”
Scrap (noun)
a fight or quarrel, especially a minor or spontaneous one
“he had several minor scraps with the army authorities”
“they were involved in a goalmouth scrap and a player was sent off”
Scrap (verb)
discard or remove from service (a redundant, old, or inoperative vehicle, vessel, or machine), especially so as to convert it to scrap metal
“a bold decision was taken to scrap existing plant”
Scrap (verb)
abolish or cancel (a plan, policy, or law)
“he supports the idea that road tax should be scrapped”
Scrap (verb)
engage in a minor fight or quarrel
“the older boys started scrapping with me”
Scrap (verb)
compete fiercely
“the two drivers scrapped for the lead”