Preclude vs. Exclude

By Jaxson

  • Preclude (verb)

    Remove the possibility of; rule out; prevent or exclude; to make impossible.

    “It has been raining for days, but that doesn’t preclude the possibility that the skies will clear by this afternoon!”

  • Exclude (verb)

    To bar (someone) from entering; to keep out.

  • Exclude (verb)

    To expel; to put out.

    “to exclude young animals from the womb or from eggs”

  • Exclude (verb)

    To omit from consideration.

    “Count from 1 to 30, but exclude the prime numbers.”

  • Exclude (verb)

    To refuse to accept (evidence) as valid.

  • Exclude (verb)

    To diagnostic consideration.

  • Preclude (verb)

    prevent from happening; make impossible

    “the secret nature of his work precluded official recognition”

  • Preclude (verb)

    (of a situation or condition) prevent someone from doing something

    “his difficulties preclude him from leading a normal life”

  • Exclude (verb)

    deny (someone) access to a place, group, or privilege

    “the public were excluded from the board meeting”

  • Exclude (verb)

    keep (something) out of a place

    “apply flux to exclude oxygen”

  • Exclude (verb)

    expel (a pupil) from school.

  • Exclude (verb)

    remove from consideration

    “one cannot exclude the possibility of a fall in house prices”

  • Exclude (verb)

    prevent the occurrence of

    “clauses seeking to exclude liability for loss or damage”

Oxford Dictionary

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