Practice vs. Practise

By Jaxson

  • Practice (noun)

    Repetition of an activity to improve a skill.

    “rehearsal|drill|dry run|exercise|training|trial|workout”

    “He will need lots of practice with the lines before he performs them.”

  • Practice (noun)

    An organized event for the purpose of performing such repetition.

    “Being on a team is hard: you’re always having to go to practice while everyone else is taking it easy.”

    “I have choir practice every Sunday after church.”

  • Practice (noun)

    The ongoing pursuit of a craft or profession, particularly in medicine or the fine arts.

  • Practice (noun)

    A place where a professional service is provided, such as a general practice.

    “general practice”

    “She ran a thriving medical practice.”

  • Practice (noun)

    The observance of religious duties that a church requires of its members.

  • Practice (noun)

    A customary action, habit, or behaviour; a manner or routine.


    “It is the usual practice of employees there to wear neckties only when meeting with customers.”

    “It is good practice to check each door and window before leaving.”

  • Practice (noun)

    Actual operation or experiment, in contrast to theory.


    “That may work in theory, but will it work in practice?”

  • Practice (noun)

    The form, manner, and order of conducting and carrying on suits and prosecutions through their various stages, according to the principles of law and the rules laid down by the courts.

    “This firm of solicitors is involved in family law practice.”

  • Practice (noun)

    Skilful or artful management; dexterity in contrivance or the use of means; stratagem; artifice.

  • Practice (noun)

    A easy and concise method of applying the rules of arithmetic to questions which occur in trade and business.

  • Practice (verb)

    alternative spelling of practise

  • Practise (verb)

    To repeat (an activity) as a way of improving one’s skill in that activity.

    “You should practise playing piano every day.”

  • Practise (verb)

    To repeat an activity in this way.

    “If you want to speak French well, you need to practise.”

  • Practise (verb)

    To perform or observe in a habitual fashion.

    “They gather to practise religion every Saturday.”

  • Practise (verb)

    To pursue (a career, especially law, fine art or medicine).

    “She practised law for forty years before retiring.”

  • Practise (verb)

    To conspire.

  • Practise (verb)

    To put into practice; to carry out; to act upon; to commit; to execute; to do.

  • Practise (verb)

    To make use of; to employ.

  • Practise (verb)

    To teach or accustom by practice; to train.

  • Practise (noun)

    misspelling of practice

  • Practice (noun)

    the actual application or use of an idea, belief, or method, as opposed to theories relating to it

    “the principles and practice of teaching”

    “the recommendations proved too expensive to put into practice”

  • Practice (noun)

    the carrying out or exercise of a profession, especially that of a doctor or lawyer

    “he abandoned medical practice for the Church”

  • Practice (noun)

    the business or premises of a doctor or lawyer

    “Dr Apps has a practice in Neasham Road”

  • Practice (noun)

    the customary, habitual, or expected procedure or way of doing of something

    “modern child-rearing practices”

    “product placement is common practice in American movies”

  • Practice (noun)

    an established method of legal procedure.

  • Practice (noun)

    repeated exercise in or performance of an activity or skill so as to acquire or maintain proficiency in it

    “it must have taken a lot of practice to become so fluent”

  • Practice (noun)

    a period of time spent practising an activity or skill

    “daily choir practices”

  • Practice (verb)

    US spelling of practise

  • Practise (verb)

    perform (an activity) or exercise (a skill) repeatedly or regularly in order to acquire, improve or maintain proficiency in it

    “I need to practise my French”

    “they were practising for the Olympics”

  • Practise (verb)

    carry out or perform (a particular activity, method, or custom) habitually or regularly

    “we still practise some of these rituals today”

  • Practise (verb)

    actively pursue or be engaged in (a particular profession or occupation)

    “he practised as a barrister”

    “he began to practise law”

  • Practise (verb)

    observe the teaching and rules of (a particular religion).

  • Practise (verb)

    scheme or plot for an evil purpose

    “what a tangled web we weave when we first practise to deceive”

Oxford Dictionary

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