Par vs. Pat

By Jaxson

  • Par (preposition)

    By; with.

  • Par (noun)

    Equal value; equality of nominal and actual value; the value expressed on the face or in the words of a certificate of value, as a bond or other commercial paper.

  • Par (noun)

    Equality of condition or circumstances.

  • Par (noun)

    The allotted number of strokes to reach the hole.

    “He needs to make this shot for par.”

  • Par (noun)

    A hole in which a player achieves par.

  • Par (noun)

    An amount which is taken as an average or mean.

  • Par (verb)

    To reach the hole in the allotted number of strokes.

    “He will need to par every hole in order to win this game.”

  • Pat (noun)

    The sound of a light slap or tap with a soft flat object, especially of a footstep

  • Pat (noun)

    A light tap or slap, especially with the hands

  • Pat (noun)

    A flattish lump of soft matter, especially butter or dung.

  • Pat (noun)


  • Pat (noun)


  • Pat (verb)

    To (gently) tap the flat of one’s hand on a person or thing.

    “To show affection, he decided he would pat the boy on the head.”

  • Pat (verb)

    To hit lightly and repeatedly with the flat of the hand to make smooth or flat

    “I patted the cookie dough into shape.”

  • Pat (verb)

    To stroke or fondle (an animal).

    “Do you want to pat the cat?”

  • Pat (verb)

    To gently rain.

  • Pat (adjective)

    Timely, suitable, apt, opportune, ready for the occasion; especially of things spoken.

    “a pat expression”

  • Pat (adjective)

    Trite, being superficially complete, lacking originality.

  • Pat (adverb)

    Opportunely, in a timely or suitable way.

  • Pat (adverb)


    “He has the routine down pat.”

  • Par (noun)

    the number of strokes a first-class player should normally require for a particular hole or course

    “Woosnam had advanced from his overnight position of three under par”

    “the sixteenth is a par five”

  • Par (noun)

    a par score at a hole

    “a card that showed 16 pars, one eagle, and one birdie”

  • Par (noun)

    the face value of a share or other security, as distinct from its market value

    “par value”

    “the 9 per cent unsecured loan stock is redeemable at par”

  • Par (noun)

    the recognized value of one country’s currency in terms of another’s.

  • Par (noun)

    a paragraph

    “fifteen pars on the front page”

  • Par (verb)

    play (a hole) in par

    “he calmly parred the 17th”

Oxford Dictionary

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