Panick vs. Panic

By Jaxson

  • Panick

    Panic is a sudden sensation of fear, which is so strong as to dominate or prevent reason and logical thinking, replacing it with overwhelming feelings of anxiety and frantic agitation consistent with an animalistic fight-or-flight reaction. Panic may occur singularly in individuals or manifest suddenly in large groups as mass panic (closely related to herd behavior).

  • Panic

    Panic is a sudden sensation of fear, which is so strong as to dominate or prevent reason and logical thinking, replacing it with overwhelming feelings of anxiety and frantic agitation consistent with an animalistic fight-or-flight reaction. Panic may occur singularly in individuals or manifest suddenly in large groups as mass panic (closely related to herd behavior).

  • Panick (adjective)

    obsolete form of panic

  • Panick (noun)

    obsolete form of panic

  • Panick (verb)

    obsolete form of panic

  • Panic (adjective)

    Pertaining to the god Pan.

  • Panic (adjective)

    Of fear, fright etc: Pan).

  • Panic (noun)

    Overpowering fright, often affecting groups of people or animals.

  • Panic (noun)

    Rapid reduction in asset prices due to broad efforts to raise cash in anticipation of continuing decline in asset prices.

  • Panic (noun)

    A kernel panic or system crash.

  • Panic (noun)

    A plant of the genus Panicum.

  • Panic (verb)

    To feel overwhelming fear.

  • Panic (verb)

    To cause somebody to panic.

  • Panic (verb)

    To crash.

  • Panic (verb)

    To cause the system to crash.


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