Over vs. Exceed

By Jaxson

  • Over (adjective)

    Discontinued; ended or concluded.

    “The show is over.”

  • Over (adverb)

    Thoroughly; completely; from beginning to end.

    “Let’s talk over the project at tomorrow’s meeting.”

    “Let me think that over.”

    “I’m going to look over our department’s expenses.”

  • Over (adverb)

    To an excessive degree; overly.

  • Over (adverb)

    From an upright position to being horizontal.

    “He tipped the bottle over, and the water came gushing out.”

    “That building just fell over!”

    “He bent over to touch his toes.”

  • Over (adverb)

    Horizontally; left to right or right to left.

    “Slide the toilet-paper dispenser’s door over when one roll is empty in order to reveal the other.”

    “I moved over to make room for him to sit down.”

  • Over (adverb)

    From one position or state to another.

    “Please pass that over to me.”

    “He came over to our way of thinking on the new project.”

    “Come over and play!”

    “I’ll bring over a pizza.”

  • Over (adverb)

    Overnight throughout the night.

    “We stayed over at Grandma’s.”

    “Can I sleep over?”

  • Over (adverb)

    Again; another time; once more; over again.

    “I lost my paper and I had to do the entire assignment over.”

  • Over (adverb)

    (procedure word, military) a procedure word meaning that a station is finished transmitting and is expecting a response.

    “Bravo Six, this is Bravo Six Four. Stand by for ten mike report one dash three, over.”

    “Bravo Six Four, this is Bravo Six Actual. Send your traffic, over.”

  • Over (noun)

    A set of six legal balls bowled.

  • Over (noun)

    Any surplus amount of money, goods delivered, etc.

  • Over (noun)

    A shore, riverbank.

    “The sea’s over.”

  • Over (preposition)

    Physical positioning.

  • Over (preposition)

    On top of; above; higher than; further up.

    “Hold the sign up over your head.”

    “climb up the ladder and look over [the roof]”

  • Over (preposition)

    Across or spanning.

    “There is a bridge over the river.”

  • Over (preposition)

    In such a way as to cover.

    “drape the fabric over the table;”

    “there is a roof over the house”

  • Over (preposition)

    By comparison.

  • Over (preposition)

    From one physical position to another via an obstacle that must be traversed vertically, first upwards and then downwards.

    “The dog jumped over the fence.”

    “I’ll go over [the fence] first and then help you.”

    “Let’s walk over the hill to get there.”

  • Over (preposition)

    More than; to a greater degree.

    “I prefer the purple over the pink.”

  • Over (preposition)

    Beyond; past; exceeding; too much or too far.

    “I think I’m over my limit for calories for today.”

  • Over (preposition)

    Divided by.

    “four over two equals two over one”

  • Over (preposition)

    Separates the three of a kind from the pair in a full house.

    9♦9♠9♣6♥6♠ = nines over sixes”

  • Over (preposition)

    Finished with; done with; from one state to another via a hindrance that must be solved or defeated; or via a third state that represents a significant difference from the first two.

    “We got over the engineering problems and the prototype works great.”

    “I am over my cold and feel great again.”

    “I know the referee made a bad call, but you have to get over it [your annoyance with the referee’s decision].”

    “She is finally over [the distress of] losing her job.”

    “He is finally over his [distress over the loss of the relationship with his] ex-girlfriend.”

  • Over (preposition)

    While using, especially while consuming.

  • Over (preposition)

    Concerning or regarding.

    “The two boys had a fight over whose girlfriend was the best.”

  • Over (preposition)

    Above, implying superiority after a contest; in spite of; notwithstanding.

    “We triumphed over difficulties.”

    “The bill was passed over the veto.”

    “It was a fine victory over their opponents.”

  • Over (interjection)

    In radio communications: end of sentence, ready to receive reply.

    “How do you receive? Over!”

  • Exceed (verb)

    To be larger, greater than (something).

    “The company’s 2005 revenue exceeds that of 2004.”

  • Exceed (verb)

    To be better than (something).

    “The quality of her essay has exceeded my expectations.”

  • Exceed (verb)

    To go beyond (some limit); to surpass, outstrip or transcend.

    “Your password cannot exceed eight characters.”

  • Exceed (verb)

    To predominate.

  • Exceed (verb)

    To go too far; to be excessive.


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